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Final week of taking a break and now its time t going back to The Emperor's New Clothes anim project <3

No worry tho, I still gonna keep drawing these since I haven't had this much fun since forever~

Wuffle's wondering who's say hes bad?!

It just started with my joke on this Twitter post. What it Wuffle was a big bad wolf all along. O did some quick sketch and even think about doing a parody comic, set in an alternate universe where Wuffle was bad. But why rebuild the universe when I can just make him another character instead.

Introducing, Woofy The Beeg Bad Burppppp

He's Wuffle cousin who live on a houseboat in a bayou. Woofy is not as bad as people think but he sure smells a lot from all the fermented fishes he been preserved. He also live alone and doesn’t like taking a shower much. I made him wear a backward overalls, since I plan him to be as creative as Wuffle but in different way. Wuffle's family trees suddenly got interesting haha.

I plan to draw another set of character but realized I haven't draw much for our polar bear butler, Mighty Joe. So here he is doing a model pose why Debbita is fangirling behind him (bonus, Wuffle taking a shower?!).

Debbita is the only character, beside Foxxo, that can abuse Joe without worry the following consequence. You can see some comic about Joe and Deb here and here. I have a feeling they gonane ended up being together at some point when I continuing it <3

Kroko was an original comic I started last year. I draw it for 3 episodes so far (ep1, ep2 and ep3) and decided to scrap it due to the mental health at that time. I was having a depression about my decision. I love telling a story through comic but 2D animation is always my passion. I was disappointed and feel embarrassed for month.

At that time Wolfmoon (thx for the supports!) ask me a 2D animation commission. I enjoying it and it help with my depression a lot. Here's the finish anim.

So I decided to take more 8 anim commission and did all that within December. See them all here: CLICK

That make me feel confident in making a 2D animation shorts that I always wanted to. I then reopen this Patreon and change the focus to be about making a 2D animation since <3

Thank you all for help making it happened and keep going! HUGS!

Last but not least, THE SIMPSONS?!

Thailand has just got Disney+ (the Hotstar one, not the big boi one) and they have all the Simpsons episode there so I and my BF Ginkgosan been binging it. The Simpsons never aired in Thailand, we always saw them on a T-shirt and some cup and a plush dolls of Bart.

I first watch The Simpsons on a rental DVD and its open my world how different the adult Western animation is. Re watching it also made me realize I never draw a fanart of them. So I did, and they are unbelievable hard to draw XD The simplistic and minimal design always have too much possibilities when translate into other style since they are so minimal. But that’s even make me respect the show even more.

Now, let's get back to the make our animation about the naked lion king! I have some surprised update waiting for ya.

Stay tuned!

- Piti Yindee


Original idea of WHAT IF...? WUFFLE THE BIG BAD WOLF?!
Wuffle cousin: Woofy! THE BEEG BAD BURP~
Whos bad?!
Debbita x Joe is now CANON
Kroko, my scalie boi. Someday I'm gonna come back and finish your comic <3
Visiting cousin Woofy who live on a houseboat in a bayou
Original idea of WHAT IF...? WUFFLE THE BIG BAD WOLF?!


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