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Unlock the raw Clip Studio files with separate layers in PSD tier!

Ultimate 4K files with behind the scense sketches in HD tier!

I'm taking a break from animation proj to refreshing my POV. I realized I've been working nonstop on anim proj since December 2020, from Fossils to The Emperor's New Clothes, so Imma need a break before it break me haha.

So, I spent some week off from the internet and draw Wuffle and friends <3

While I mostly draw Wuffle once in a while, I haven't draw Puipui, Debbita, Foxxo and Joe that much. Not to mention most of the time it's just a drawing of Wuffle standing with his hands waving XD I need some more variety for them <3

A little bit hiccup at first but I found myself back to the Gingerbread village real quick. The familiar and nostalgia feeling like I'm back home, an urge to draw them is just, it made me feel happy and refreshing <3

You can read the previous Wuffle Comics on Tumblr (the main website still kaput) and on Gumroad. I plan to reupload all the comics on here and on Webtoon later soon.

Then it'll be 10th Year Anniversary of Wuffle in 2022. Perfect timing to fully revisit Gingerbread Village once again <3

Thank you for reading, keep Wuffling!

- Piti Yindee


Stretching Wuffle
Wuffle, Puipui, Foxxo, Debbita and Joe: Front
Wuffle, Puipui, Foxxo, Debbita and Joe: Back
Wuffle + Emo Wuff?!
Foxxo and Joe


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