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More 4K sketches and the idea behind the design are in HD tier!

Unlock the PSD and Clip Studio files in PSD tier!

Previous Post about BG and setting designs HERE

Don't forget to check July's Progress Report

Here we have the backstage, aka Arthur's dressing room! I started with making a grid based on my early board drawing. The scene will follow Arthur being panic and rush to the dressing room to find the better dressed, or else his popularity will be dropped!

Putting Arthur for scale.

Then color! What the connection with the theme if this is Arthut's dressing room where's he decorate himself? A cave, an underwater cave!

Apply green filter and voilà! This remind me of Ariel's secret cave from The Little Mermaid. The deep dark turquoise really make it mysterious and personal. Same goes with Arthur's, it's the place where he hidden his trueself from the crowd. Messy and everything's all over the place XD

Next: We have an update 3D model of Arthur's Statue from Dylan!

The purpose of this 3D model is for testing/experimenting the look of the short. I'd love to see if I can make some rotate/moving camera movement at the beginning and how will it looks like if I combined it with 2D character. Something like Disney's animation in the late/early 2000 where they mix hamd drawn and 3D BG together.

Dylan is so productive he keep send me progress everyday. Took him only a week and it's done!

Lastly, the music! Joshua has finished the first draft of the overall music for the short! I will update that in the new post with preview music <3

That's all for this week! I think we covered almost everything of the designs. Next thing will be adjusting and revisioning the board to match with the music and then color script ^^

See you in the next update!

- Piti Yindee



Wolf Moon

Oh wow that is going to look amazing. I can’t wait to see it. =D

Wolf Moon

You are very welcome. I just like to see the emperor in that superhero costume. Xp

Wolf Moon

Oh I cannot wait. Maybe he can give a flexing pose to see how good he looks in that outfit. Xp I look forward to seeing it Piti. =)