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I'll keep update the process in this post until they're all finished ^^

2021-05-15: Cut 22 Clean Up is Done

Coloring time! I will draw the crowd around them later (have to list who I'm gonna draw first) The drone with sign will be multiply by copy and paste the animation ^^ 

I think I will cut the part where's Pingo looking back at Kati. With that action it make our eyes focus on Pingo instead of the fossils~

Other than that, see you in the next update! Almost there!

2021-05-13: Cut 22 Breakdown

The original board of Cut 22 has some problem: it's boring XD

So I change the layout a bit. Making it's like before zooming out, Kati saw the big bone that Pingo digging out. Then when we see the whole picture, it's not just a big bone, it's the whole fossils!

The angle has changed to make the fossils looks, and feel more enormous.

Paint some volume and adding the color according to the old colorscript.

Bright sky and yellow/gold for the canyon around them <3

Last step is breaking the scene's elements down so I will know the amount of work on each part.

Layout area: Ground with Pingo and Kati, The Fossils, The canyon and some crowd, then the sky.

The FX part. I plan to make some flash light from camera here and there. A gold aura from the fossils and some particles from the balloons.

And the animation part. There's only Pingo animation, and 2 balloons sign that says Kati's fossils. Maybe some cameo character that flying here and there.

Last: This is what I meant by at first it zooming at just one giant bone and then reveal to the whole fossils later <3

2021-05-11: Cut 23 Clean Up Anim Is Done

This final shot is taking time than usual (you gotta put times and everything for the ending shot eh? XD)

Here's a shot progress: Start with clean all the keys and some break down poses.

Even though I animate them altogether, I decided to clean them up separately. Easier to manage and the action feel more naturally.

Then the rest is just inbetween <3

Next is coloring! Then the final big crowd shot! orz

2021-05-06: Cut 23 Rough Anim Is Done

Cut 22 is a crowd shot, so I skipped it and do this final part first.

As always I start with sketching the keys in paper, scan it and put it in timeline to see the timing.

Then I start do a rough details of them keys

I usually skipped the next part and just do the clean up right away (I can figure the inbetween at that time) But, this is the first time I animate two character altogether and I wanna see how it will looks if I do some rough inbetween. Here's the result~

Not bad eh? <3 The flashing or blank frame are for filling in clean up stage. I don't wanna do the rough for the whole thing since I know I'm gonna adjust it here and there anyway XD

See you in the next update!

2021-05-05: Finishing Time

I can't believe it, we're at the final parts of the animation! My first ever animation shorts is almost done, thanks to you all for keep supporting <3

I plan to finish this animation within the first half of this month and the latter will be about post prod - editing, color grading and such.

and will be released on June 3rd, aka my balloons day ^.^

Hugs you all! See you in the next update!

- Piti Yindee


May Task: The Final Part


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