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Warning: Long post XD


Heya everyone! Hope you're all doing good!

As for me, I've been battling with my depression as usual, haha. But I'm getting better, bit by bit. In the end I decided to move all my comics projects, including Kroko, Wuffle, and more, here: https://twitter.com/YindeeComics.

This Patreon has been changed to focus on developing my passion: making cartoons full time!

I realized a bit too late that while I wanted to do animated cartoon shorts, I just don't believe in myself enough. So I've been doing something else for a while and pushed animation aside, as a hobby.

But then, when I did animation commissions (see the video above) for half a year in 2020, it showed me that I can do it. And so...I'm finally gonna do it!!!

Starting with this short, Fossils.
Starring Kati the Kat Pingo the Doggo.

I posted about this earlier last year but deleted it, since it feels like I'm bragging about my life, haha.

The concept behind my cartoons will be like those we used to watch when we were young. Whether it was Silly SymphonyMerrie Melodies,or even Tom and Jerry, those classic toons with orchestral scores stand the test of time.

Using Camille Saint-Saëns: Carnival of the Animals - XII: Fossils as inspiration, the cartoon will follow these two in a quest to find dinosaur bones. One wants to dig, the other wants to eat!

The cartoons will be around 1:45-2:00 minutes long and will take around a couple of months to complete.

Here's some early test footage of what I've been working on: CLICK 

Some visual development

I've updated the support options to $2, $5, $10 and $20 tiers, in case you wanna change your contribution. Every tier gets an exclusive Patreon-only post such as WIP, pencil tests, previews of finished shots, and the chance to see the whole cartoon earlier and get all the source files.

Once this is done, I already have a plan for the next one. It will be a tale of The Emperor's New Clothes with the music of Camille Saint-Saëns: March of the Lions! <3

Thank you everyone for keeping up with me. This past year has been a ride and I'm thankful for all the support.

Now let's help me make a cartoon! See you in the next post!

Piti Yindee


2020 Animation Commission Reel

Thank you for all the support! - Piti Yindee



Nice animation reel, Piti ^^


I'm so proud of you! Great work, and I hope I can commission you when you open back up for them!


Thx! It's very hard decision for me but I gotta do it XD commission might open again once this shorts is done ^^ probably within couple months