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Here's Kroko chapter 3: "Tom Yum Jing"

Following the previous chapter,  Otto is out to find who's the mysterious ninja, asking Kroko to stay inside the room for safety and you know that's not gonna happen!

This Patreon will go public tomorrow at this hour <3


Hi everyone! I apologize for the lack of updates. Last month was terrible with my mental health and depression. I went to see a therapist for my depression and everything went well, so I decided to give you an update on my mental health and how I plan to continue with Kroko comics.

The therapy went really well. The doctor said that I've had fatigue symptoms that been building up due to many years of overwork, with many jobs and little rest. I did some art therapy (you can see some of those pieces here: Therapiti) to help me gain my confidence back and it's really working. Now that I can draw normally again, I’ve found that I can't do Kroko comics as a primary project anymore. Something needs to change.

I asked my doctor about what to do and he said something that really answered everything. Kroko was a passion project that represented all the experiences I’ve had over the past 10 years, and that's the problem. As an artist, when you put too much effort into a work, it drains you a lot, especially if that work is something so personal to you. And then the stress is doubled by having that work, and those personal experiences, on public display. This stress has combined with other issues, such as doing several major jobs often at the same time as these more personal projects, makes me feel burnt out and fatigued several times a year. I need to stop it; I don't want to suffer any longer.

I quit every job I was doing last week to make myself focus. I will make Kroko a side project instead, and do it in my free time.

This Patreon will change focus to developing a thing I love to do the most:  frame by frame 2D animation, and some mini cute comic. I actually planned to do it earlier this year (from this update).

While Kroko is a project for myself, this change is a project for everyone. I want to entertain people, to share knowledge about making 2D animation in the classic way, and to make myself happy one frame at a time. <3

Thank you everyone for reading this far and I appreciate all the support. I will give you an update of Patreon and an animation project I'm working soon.

Regards, and hugs you all <3

- Piti Yindee




I'm glad you're doing what's healthy for you. Is it possible to continue the Kroko story through animated shorts? I just thought that if it's a passion project but you'd rather be animating that might be an option.


That part of the plan too ^^ All cast will be resurrect as an animated character in some form.


The comic still continued tho, just slowly and will be made behind the scene.


For what it's worth, I love Kroko so far and I'm sure I'll love your other content too. Don't worry too much about what we think, what matters most is that you're happy with what you're doing.

pitiyindee (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-08 17:30:41 Thank you very much &lt;3 HUGS!
2020-08-04 13:33:12 Thank you very much <3 HUGS!

Thank you very much <3 HUGS!

Leo Once3333

Glad you're cleaning things up in your life! I look forward to the next chapter, whenever that may be. And on the topic of this chapter... Kroko's past just got far more interesting. Something really odd is going on, and I have no idea just where this is going as of yet.

Emmanuel Orlando Matias

Happy to hear you are taking care of your mental health and I’m sorry that you’ve struggled for such a long time. Really excited to see what you come up with in the future! Also, this was such a great set of pages so thanks for that. I look forward to seeing more of Kroko even if less frequently :)

pitiyindee (edited)

Comment edits

2023-05-08 17:30:40 Something really odd indeed! Thank you so much for reading &lt;3
2020-08-04 16:27:34 Something really odd indeed! Thank you so much for reading <3

Something really odd indeed! Thank you so much for reading <3


Gotta slow life from now on X'D Thank you so much for keep continuing reading my works ;~;