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Well, quite a bit actually.

I recently made the choice to focus more on my art. This means I will most likely be doing more art streams as well as changing the way I approach my online sona, being a vtuber.

Here is what is happening:

More art. I mean a lot more. Originally I aimed to make at least 2 works a month but as time has gone on I have found myself more depressed with vtubing compared to making art.

Less streams. I will no longer be aiming to stream games 3 times a week. It caused me a lot of stress to see other people build themselves up around me when I have been around longer. I had been forcing myself to stream when I felt depressed and hid my pain behind jokes.

Commissions will be, at some point, opened again.

Music. I am working on music. This is actually going to be news to everyone, even my closest friends. It's been rocky, but I my goal is doing some covers from only specific moments in some songs. I want to focus on what notes I know I can hit, while making sure they are things that actually interest people. These will most likely be uploaded as youtube shorts and tiktoks.


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