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I am working on the halloween and christmas works currently and I'm sorry it has taken so long for me to release new content. I thank you all for waiting so long for something new and apologize for taking so long.

For starters, software issues. I have been experimenting with blender while also continuing the use of Koikatsu. Randomly, koikatsu decided to completely break and no longer work. I had to redownload and reinstall all the mods I used which added up to about 100gb. It took me weeks to get things working and even still I am having trouble with specific things. 

The boring reasons that isn't needed for me to explain, IRL issues. Some things have happened that has caused me to not feel entirely safe in my house. People have been entering my backyard at night. Neighbors have provided video and image proof of them climbing the fence. They have also been antagonizing our dog and other neighbors' dogs. I also recently had a breakup that plummeted me into a depressed state.

What is done so far?

Scenario, outfits and story.

Location is complicated. A shopping mall is the best location for the Christmas story, but the halloween story is complicated. Avoiding spoiler, a grave yard at first was considered. The story was originally going to be a remake of this movie scene, but with some action on a gravestone. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkWXyfPDTYo 

I might do that after, but I moved to a new plot.


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