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I have been very hard at work using Unreal Engine 5.

Using systems like VMC protocol and Meowface, an android ARKit facial tracker, I have a very solid working high quality and extremely customizable environment for my streams and easy access to posing/animating tools.

The short story means extreme quality renders and professional-level tracking potential.

Thankfully swash, my bb, has let me use her laptop to run these things on the side so I can not have PC games affected by running all of this at the same time. It's fairly powerful and can run UE5 smoothly with some tweaking of the settings.

The problem I am currently facing however is outputting the UE5 project into a separate file. Atm all of this runs inside UE5, meaning the full resources to run the engine is being used. Having it exported correctly means more resources are saved and I don't need to open the UE5 editor to run it every time. 

Once I am able to get that fixed I should be able to record my streams again. Currently, I am stuck with only having the stream VOD to work with if I ever want to make edited videos for youtube shorts or tiktok. Having OBS on the laptop can also free up resources from my PC once again, however, I am not sure if the laptop could handle the UE5 and OBS at the same time.



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