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Steam Early Access

Just wanted to let you guys know that I'm going to release A Promise Best Left Unkept – Aya Edition on Steam Early Access probably next month. It's not something that I personally wanted to do, I would have preferred to keep it exclusive to Patreon, but after thinking long and hard about it, I came to the conclusion that trusting Patreon and having it as my sole source of income is probably not a good move. You never know when their policies on porn might change, and putting Aya Edition on Steam will only help boost the quality of the game. The game on Patreon will always be one update further along than on Steam though. Which means that when V0.3.5 releases, for example, V0.3.0 will release on Steam… and so on. This should be enough to keep the game somewhat exclusive to Patreon.

Anyway, here's the Steam page. It would mean a lot if you could wishlist the game (it helps with the algorithm): https://store.steampowered.com/app/2479300/A_Promise_Best_Left_Unkept__Aya_Edition/


This month will be pretty charged. Since NTR'd By Clumsiness was delayed by a month, we now have both the bonus scene and NTR'd By Clumsiness releasing this month, along with V0.3.0 of APBLU – Aya Edition. I just want to let you guys know what is missing for each release so that you can take a guess as to when each of them will release.

NTR'd By Clumsiness: I'm currently missing two small illustrations and one animation. If worse comes to worst, I can always do with only one of those two illustrations, and the animation can be added after the fact. If I had to guess though, I would probably release it more toward the end of the month.

Bonus Scene #9: I'm missing one illustration for this one. I still haven't received the sketch, so I feel like it will still take at least one and a half weeks before receiving the final version. I hope to release it before the 20th, if at all possible.

APBLU – Aya Edition: Surprisingly, I just received yesterday the last CG that I was missing for V0.3.0. So it might be the first thing that I release. I usually prefer to release my bigger project at the end of the month… it gives more time for QA… but since I have a lot of things to work on this month, I will try my best to release it a bit early, so that the releases can be spaced out a bit. I'm aiming for before the 15th, but I'm still not completely sure yet.



Added to my Steam Wishlist! Looking forward to the new updates!


That's unfortunate. I don't really know how you could change your region without using a VPN. But that's the thought that counts. Thanks!