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Meaningful Poll: Should Aya's route have a good ending?

  • Yes, she deserves a good ending. 106
  • No, she only deserves Luca's dick. 149
  • 2023-10-27
  • —2023-11-03
  • 255 votes
{'title': "Meaningful Poll: Should Aya's route have a good ending?", 'choices': [{'text': 'Yes, she deserves a good ending.', 'votes': 106}, {'text': "No, she only deserves Luca's dick.", 'votes': 149}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 11, 3, 18, 37, 19, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 10, 27, 18, 33, 48, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 255}


EDIT: Just so we're clear, it's either no good ending (no), or one good and one bad ending (yes).

Now that everyone had the chance to play the first update for Aya's route, I guess I should give her the same chance that I gave Laura at the beginning of hers. There might still be a few people here who were there at the time, but just to put it in context, at the beginning of A Promise Best Left Unkept, I ran a poll to see if people were interested in a good ending. The good ending did win at the time, though there were a lot fewer people supporting me then than there are now.

I'll reiterate what I said at the time; I personally don't see NTR as being compatible with good endings in general. My perspective has not changed since. Of course, that's just my opinion, and I might find out down the line that I'm wrong. I mean, there are a lot of creators who are much more creative than I am, and there may be a way to make a good ending elevates the NTR, but for now, I don't see it. If I'm ever to play around with good endings to accentuate the NTR, it will probably be in a smaller project.

I won't lie, at the moment, I'm planning Aya's route as a straight line. I'm not bothering with branching the stories in multiple paths like I did with Laura's route. I've still made sure that there were ways in which I could branch it out if I ever want to, or if people really desire more of APBLU. I just feel like there's a diminishing return with people's interest in the story, and we might very well be past it already. Still, adding a choice that branches the story between a good and a bad ending should be relatively easy to implement… I think.

I just want to make sure, also, that people understand what I mean by 'good ending'. There's no way that I'm adding an ending where there's no NTR. There will be NTR no matter what. The question is just whether she gets fully corrupted or not. I think the Clumsy ending is a good example of that.

So yeah, I hope you enjoyed V0.1.0 of her route. There were fewer people who supported me this month… but for now, I won't worry too much.



If you want and feel confident that two endings (one good and one bad) is possible without a loss in quality on the main genre's content, then I think it's alright. I would prefer to keep the game focused on the bad endings and then as bonus scenes or future updates add the remaining good ending (much like how the Aya versions of Laura's endings were added).


I personally believe that since the amount of people that vote for good ending and bad ending is "pretty" equal, I think that in order to satisfy everyone, it can be a good idea to at least think about making a second ending or a bonus. Since there will be NTR anyway, on top of that you can try making an open good ending where you don't really know if she really is sincere about Harry or if she still is on Lucas. It will also make the game longer which is something cool. But I would support the final decision anyway cause this game is gold no matter what