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Like it happens more and more often, I literally just finished working on this update like twenty minutes ago. Please, don't chew me up too much if there are some bugs… o-or if the story sucks… y-y'know… it's a last-minute thing… a-ahaha…

Seriously, though, I would have liked to make this update longer since it's the only thing I'll release this month, but my hands are a bit tied. My artist is already doing the best he can (which is a lot).

The update is around 11.5k words long. It adds 3 CG sets, and 1.5 sex scenes. I do feel like there's something missing. I'm used to hearing moans at this point with APBLU… So I do plan to hire a voice actress for the moaning sounds… if possible for the next update. If anyone of you guys knows a good voice actress that would fit with Natasha's dinosaur rowdiness, please tell me.

Also, I hired an animator… and I did animate one old scene… which is the vanilla scene, unfortunately. The other scenes don't really work with animation (since it's mostly accidental). But I didn't really like the animator's work, and anyway, we ended up going our separate ways. But I have another animator now, and I should—hopefully—have animations for future scenes… Though a lot of things could happen during that time, so don't quote me on that.

Download link (from my website):


Backup Server (in case the other one doesn't work):


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Changelog V0.5.0


  • Added 3 CG sets
  • Added 1.5 sex scene
  • Added 11.5k words to the story
  • Added 500 words of commentaries
  • Changed the old vanilla sex scene with an animation



michael anderon

I'm confused. You say this is a new update, but it is the same as the last update. Am I missing something?


Well, this is the access of the last update (V0.5.0) for the 5$ tier. So if you had access to the update a week ago, then yes this is the same update. I'm sorry for the confusion.


Wens next update?