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Winning idea: Idea #1

EDIT: I ended the poll because I realize that it might be harder to write something serious in a few thousands words. Also, knowing that the creator of the idea wanted something wild does change my perspective a bit. Who knows? It's only a bonus scene anyway, so get cuck, cucks!

Okay, so it was a very tight race. Mostly between idea #1 and idea #5. So tight, in fact, that I couldn't start working on the scene until the very last day. Thankfully though, rationality won in the end, and my beautiful Hangover is safe from your degenerate ideas. Still, the idea that actually won is not very easy to work with. In fact, I don't even know where to start. For those who want a reminder of the idea:

--Idea #1

How Luca got Laura and Aya to take the photo and video of the title screen. (Where Luca is holding both their tits out in Laura's office)

- Can we also get a shot where he is grabbing their asses too?? :)

There was never any narrative to the cover illustration. It was always more to give a hint of what's in store for the heroines. There's no path that exists currently that really matches that picture, and I feel like writing a scene where both Laura and Aya are fully corrupted would be a bit of a tease (since we haven’t seen it yet).

So I'm making a poll. Mainly to know if you guys want to see something a bit more serious (though not necessarily accurate), or something more stupid and wild (a bit like the previous bonus scene (#5)).

You can share your thoughts as well. Letting me know how happy you are that Justice prevailed and Hangover is still as pure as a drunk sunflower.

25$ Tier

Idea #1 – 11 x 5 = 55

Idea #2 – 1 x 5 = 5

Idea #3 – 12 x 5 = 60

Idea #4 – 8 x 5 = 40

Idea #5 – 6 x 5 = 30

15$ Tier

Idea #1 – 9 x 3 = 27

Idea #2 – 5 x 3 = 15

Idea #3 – 3 x 3 = 9

Idea #4 – 7 x 3 = 21

Idea #5 – 19 x 3 = 57

10$ Tier

Idea #1 – 13 x 2 = 26

Idea #2 – 8 x 2 = 16

Idea #3 – 3 x 2 = 6

Idea #4 – 5 x 2 = 10

Idea #5 – 4 x 2 = 8

5$ Tier

Idea #1 – 30

Idea #2 – 8

Idea #3 – 3

Idea #4 – 15

Idea #5 – 21


Idea #1 – 138

Idea #2 – 44

Idea #3 – 78

Idea #4 – 86

Idea #5 – 116



Well, that was a fast poll... I was sleeping, mate. xD The idea is a bit too basic for my taste, especially, when the execution is serious. So basicly the people just want more APBLU. Which: Fair enough, especially since we're in a "break month" (hopefully, HS.), but I like bonus scenes to go where the main games couldn't. Else it doesn't really feel like bonus, as in "special", but more like bonus, as in "left out". But again, just my taste. I do like the bonus scene system, and hope you keep doing them. :)


Why do i see in the poll below idea 3 with 32% and idea 1 with 29%? I think next time we go all in to let HangoveCat join the Story...:-)


Well, idea #3 was the most popular for the 25$ tier, but unfortunately it wasn't the case for the other tiers. Please, leave my wife out of this! She's pure and delicate!


Ah i see...i already thought there are other tier polls too...at least i am pretty sure HOC will sooner or later appear in any Fanart...:-)