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I know… I know, I know I told you guys I would release it next week, but since I received the illustration that I needed earlier than expected, and since I will try my best to release NTR'd By Clumsiness this month as well, I decided that pushing for an early release would probably be the better call. The downside is that I haven't had quite the chance to make sure that everything is up to my usual standard. I pray the hangover god that nothing breaks or looks weird (don't kill me if it does).

Now for the release, I'm personally not satisfied with the way it turned out. So just want to put it out there, you know… because I'm a bitch.

V0.9.0 has two new sex scenes, is 19.2k words in length, and adds 5 CG sets. There's a sixth CG that I only use briefly… that's because I don't really like it. I kinda overestimated my artist a bit… I saw the sketch and didn't like it, but thought everything would look great with the final illustration, but it didn't. I think he has a hard time with that particular perspective. Anyway, made me real limp. Might change it if I have the chance, but probably not.

Also, just pointing out that V0.9.0 means that there are only three updates left for Laura's route. We're getting really close to the end of A Promise Best Left Unkept as we know it. It's a bit stressful and scary, but also exciting.

Happy Mother's Day late, by the way! You better all have kissed your moms! Don't let your bullies near them… A-And if you do, keep a journal and share with the class.

Download link (from my website)


Backup Server (in case the other one doesn't work):


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If you have a hard time linking Patreon to the site, you might have to disable certain browser extensions such as AdBlock or any type of ad blocker.

Changelog V0.9.0


  • Added an option in the extra section to access the commentaries


  • Added 5 CG sets
  • Added 2 sex scene
  • Added 19k words to the story




So what part is updated?...since there are several endings. Which one has the update?


The new content is in Aya's path. You can find out how to reach the path in the ending list menu, in the extra section. Alternatively, you can choose Aya's path directly from the ending selection menu.