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I'm stupid. I'm stupid for two reasons. One, because even though I said two months ago that I would no longer release APBLU, the bonus scene, and NTR'd By Clumsiness, all in the same month, I still did it again. Two, because I am the writer of this beautiful disaster of a story.

This version is a bit longer than the previous ones. It's close to 16k words. It also adds 4 new CGs, and two sex scenes. The action is escalating rather quickly, but then again, it's supposed to be a small project. At first, I had planned for it to be only around 40k words (which the game is now pretty close to), but like everything I ever wrote, it ballooned to something like 110k words. In any case, I don't know if there will be another update next month, it will depend on the speed of my artist.

By the way, I did add commentary the same way I added commentaries for the bonus scene. It's a lot harder than I thought, writing those. I need to write something that doesn't follow a specific narrative (not everyone will read every commentary) while still keeping some type of cohesion… and that while not spoiling the people who only read the mystery perspective (unless I write two separate commentaries). Anyway, it's more work than I thought… and I don't know what value it actually adds. But I did it anyway, so... you're welcome (I guess?).

If there are any bugs, please reach out. I literally just finished working on the game like thirty minutes ago.

I'm now going to start the process of becoming hangover.

Download link (from my website)


Backup Server (in case the other one doesn't work):


To those who are going to my website for the first time, to link your Patreon account to my site, all you have to do is click on the "Refresh to access this content." Then you will be prompted to link your account to my website. Accept, and you should be redirected to the page with the links. It shouldn't be more complicated than this.

If you have a hard time linking Patreon to the site, you might have to disable certain browser extensions such as AdBlock or any type of ad blocker.

Changelog V0.3.0


  • Added 4 CG sets
  • Added 2 sex scene
  • Added 15k words to the story
  • Added 600~ words of commentaries



michael anderon

Wait....you're ending NTRd by clumsiness? That's why I subscribed! The story doesnt seem close to finished.


No, that's not what I meant. Sorry, if I was being unclear. What I mean is that at first the game was supposed to be 40k words~ but it ended up being more than a 100k. Which means we're still not at the halfway point. And the game ends with an open ending, so that if people are interested in seeing more, I might write a sequel.


Yeah this game is so much fun. I also subscribed for it and bought the early access to show my support and increase its budget. Don't get me wrong APBLU is incredible but you can't find another crazy mess like Ntred by clumsiness. Also she reminds me a little bit about Kyouka Okita from Okusan which i adore.