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It's kinda stressful. Now that we've entered Aya's path, the pace will shift a slight bit… I'm not used to release an update that doesn't have much in terms of 'action'. It makes me kinda uncomfortable. I hate this feeling because I know I shouldn't be looking at it that way. Netorare can gain a lot from a slower pacing, and because I feel so pressured to always release satisfying updates (in terms of content), I feel like sometimes my pace is a bit faster than it could or should have been.

In any case, I stretched the update until I felt like it ended on a nice note. Even still, I'm not fully satisfied. Also, I think Aya's path doesn't do Aya Justice, but I guess we'll have to wait and see.

This update—V0.8.3—is around 25k words in length. It adds 7 CG sets and 1 sex scene. It's the first update out of five (?) for Aya's path. Just so everyone understands, Aya's path is not Aya's full story. Aya's path is still in Laura's route. Which means that while Aya has a big role in this path, Laura is still an important part of the game. For Aya's full story and full corruption, we'll have to wait for her own route to begin (something like six months from now).

To reach her path, it's pretty straightforward. You need to always choose her whenever you have the chance. There are three times when you're given that choice. In front of Laura's office, before the movie theater date, and during the movie theater date. At first, I thought choosing her two times out of three would be good enough, but I changed my mind. You need to choose her all three times. And then, A choice to follow her during the vote for Luca's proposal will appear. The other choices about Laura don't matter for Aya's path.

Here's the full list of choices:

  • 1. I... I can't...!
  • 2. It's probably in my head
  • 3. I can stay with Aya
  • 4. Trust Laura
  • 5. Stop thinking about it
  • 6. Hug her
  • 7. That's fine
  • 8. Stay with Aya
  • 9. I don't know
  • 10. Go after her

Alternatively, you can choose her path from the Ending Selection menu in the extra section. If you do that, it will start after Harry goes out of the conference room, running after Aya.

I want to point out one last thing. I tried to do a bit of optimization with the game. Nothing crazy… but I know the game hangs when you choose to look at the CG gallery, for example. I think it shouldn't hang as much anymore. I made two-three different other changes that you probably don't really care about. I'm mostly mentioning this because I could have created a bug in the process of trying to fix things. So if you encounter any type of bug, please report it to me.

EDIT - Backup server:

I now added a backup server. I know sometimes the server is unresponsive--it sucks to be honest. So if you have a hard time with one server, you can try the other one. Please do let me know if the new server is better, worse, or just doesn't work at all. Thank you, and sorry for those who had a frustrating experience with my server.

Download link (from my website)


Backup Server (in case the other one doesn't work):


To those who are going to my website for the first time, to link your Patreon account to my site, all you have to do is click on the "Refresh to access this content." Then you will be prompted to link your account to my website. Accept, and you should be redirected to the page with the links. It shouldn't be more complicated than this.

If you have a hard time linking Patreon to the site, you might have to disable certain browser extensions such as AdBlock or any type of ad blocker.

Changelog V0.8.3


  • Fixed a bug where the game hangs when choosing the scenes/CGs gallery
  • Changed the way I hide the quick menu (no longer a timer).
  • Fixed the Unlock All buttons (hopefully)


  • Added 7 CG sets
  • Added 1 sex scene
  • Added 25k words to the story



Rob Jo

I was playing some other NTR game and I realized that I actually like the non-action thing somewhat. The thrill if you never know what's going to happen is something I quite enjoy.


Aya's character is well done. And the set up for the next update is 🥵🥵


I'm running into an issue where APBU isn't launching


Do you have some kind of error code? Or maybe there was a problem with the download. Is the rar 1.92 gb?


yes it was, it didnt launch so It didn't generate a log.txt. I'll try downloading again and report back. thx


Alright. I'm sorry this is happening to you. Maybe try the other server this time? Send me a private message if the problem persists.


man make a route where henry confronts the cheating lying hoe and gets with the mom as revenge


best route you can make to be honest