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Bonus scene #4 winner: Idea #4 - disguised Laura dances at a strip club in front of Harry/coworker and has sex with Luca

Alright, so I have very mixed feelings about both the result of the poll and the idea in general. I kinda feel like it was cheating. The idea is clearly not taking into consideration the set budget for the bonus scenes (only two CGs), which then makes people believe that they will have an unrealistic amount of content, which by extension makes it kind of unfair for the other ideas who were more conservative with their approach. Also, it puts me in a very complicated situation, because now I feel like I won't be delivering what people expect of me. It will also make my work harder, as I will have to try and find ways to make the idea work with the constraints. That's not even mentioning the fact that Laura doesn't actually have an exhibitionist kink, and that the hero endings are probably not the best endings for this specific bonus scene.

So all I want to say is that, while I'm going to do it this time (I'm already in the process of writing it), I will probably not accept ideas like this one (blatantly disregard the budget) from now on. I'm not blaming anyone (except maybe myself), I just want to make this clear for future instances. I should have put measures in place before, but there are always lots of things my poor, tired brain doesn't take into consideration.

I'll try my best to finish it for next month, but this bonus scene will definitely demand more than 3k words.

EDIT - Here's a breakdown of the votes, if you're curious:

Idea #1:

  • 5$ - 15
  • 10$ - 6  * 2 = 12
  • 15$ - 13 * 3 = 39
  • 25$ - 7 * 5 = 35
  • Total = 101

Idea #2:

  • 5$ - 9
  • 10$ -  3 * 2 = 6
  • 15$ -  2 * 3 = 6
  • 25$ -  2 * 5 = 10
  • Total = 31

Idea #3:

  • 5$ - 42
  • 10$ -  13 * 2
  • 15$ -  15 * 3
  • 25$ -  1 * 5
  • Total =118

Idea #4:

  • 5$ - 24
  • 10$ -  16 * 2
  • 15$ -  34 * 3
  • 25$ -  15 * 5
  • Total = 203

Idea #5:

  • 5$ - 26
  • 10$ -  7 * 2
  • 15$ -  15 * 3
  • 25$ -  5 * 5
  • Total = 110

A Promise Best Left Unkept Japanese translation released

I just want to quickly point out that I released the first part of A Promise Best Left Unkept on the Japanese market (DLsite). The results… are not that great… for now. But I had to try anyway. And things might easily change in the near future.

You can find the Japanese translation here: https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ01034984.html

NTR'd By Clumsiness Steam Early Access released

Another announcement, but NTR'd By Clumsiness V0.2.0 is now available on Steam Early Access. As I mentioned in the past, since this project is more of a bonus, I feel like it's a good idea to try Early Access in the hope that it can generate a bigger budget for the project… And the past two days actually made me kinda hopeful about that. It's nothing crazy, but if things keep going the way that they are now, I might be able to afford animations for this project… and maybe even voice acting.

In any case, you can find NTR'd By Clumsiness on Early Access here (though you can have access to the V0.2.0 if you're a 5$ tier): https://store.steampowered.com/app/2277300/NTRd_By_Clumsiness/



from my understanding, Laura has a kink where she is exposed- her inner slut behavior, betraying everyone's image of her of being dignified capable woman, not about exposing her body- exhibitionist

Nathanal Zheng

That sucks to hear, but it does sound like a super fun scene. It’s weird though, because most of the $5 tier voted for #3


I'm sorry for making things harder for you than they would have already usually been, HS... I realize that the way I imagined the scene playing out may very well be different from how others might imagine it after reading the suggestion. I failed to take different perspectives into account when submitting it... I should have worked on it more to make it better fit within the given constraints. I didn't think things through properly... I hope people will be happy with whatever you make of the idea, and that they will understand the reasons behind whatever differences there may be between their expectations and the final result.


That's well put, yes. While the two can be mistakenly equated, they aren't the same.


Yes, I know. That's because it was the most popular by far for the 15$ tier, and their votes are worth three times as much as those of the 5$ tier.


It's fine. Don't worry about it. It's not your fault at all. I just wanted to share my thoughts on the matter, but if I end up failing in portraying the idea in an entertaining manner, I will have no one but myself to blame.


I've edited the post to include a breakdown of the votes. You can check it out, if you're curious.