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I was supposed to release this update for valentine's day tomorrow, but whatever. I don't think people will be mad at me for being one day early.

We're still not at the stupidest part of the story yet, but I'm kinda already a bit embarrassed by the whole thing. I guess, as long as we all understand that this project is mostly for fun (and more of a bonus), it should be fine.

V0.2.0 is around 10k words in length. It adds four new CG sets, and introduces the first two (?) lewd scenes. Well, there's a question mark there because one of the scenes I'm not entirely sure we can call 'lewd' per se. But whatever.

There are two things I want to talk about.

The first thing, as you will notice, like A Promise Best Left Unkept, there's a big button on the main menu screen to wishlist the game on Steam. I've been a bit more proactive for this project, and compared to APBLU, I will be putting this game on early access (most likely next month) for a few bucks. I never tried early access before, but I feel like it's my best opportunity to try it. I'm hoping that I can make enough money on the side to pay for bonuses for the project (like animated sex scenes, or a voice actress for moans). I don't think there is any downside to at least trying it.

The second thing is that I finally, a week ago, received the sprite for Chris. I had to backtrack a bit to add his face to the dialogues. I hope you will warm up to him as you've warmed up to Harry.

Download Link (from my website):


To those who are going to my website for the first time, to link your Patreon account to my site, all you have to do is click on the "Refresh to access this content." Then you will be prompted to link your account to my website. Accept, and you should be redirected to the page with the links. It shouldn't be more complicated than this.

If you have a hard time linking Patreon to the site, you might have to disable certain browser extensions such as AdBlock or any type of ad blocker.

Changelog V0.2.0:


  • Added Chris' sprite to the game
  • Added a 'wishlist on Steam' button on the main menu
  • Added the title on the title screen
  • Added a scene recollection menu


  • Added 10k words
  • 4 new CGs
  • 2 new lewd scenes



유우지 카나모리

I've been curious about this before, is this a long-term project like PBLU?


It's a small-sized project. It will only be 100k words in length. I just want to try different things with smaller projects on the side and see what sticks.