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This is a reminder that in 24 hours the idea submission as well as the vote in general for the bonus scene will be closed. So if you have a good idea for a bonus scene, be sure to post it now if you want it to have a chance to be in the subsequent poll (please post it in the other thread and not this one).

And be sure to go vote for the idea(s) you like the most!

For those who don't know, I made a post a few days ago about how to celebrate the one-year anniversary of A Promise Best Left Unkept. In a nutshell, people can post their ideas for a good bonus scene, and the five ones with the most upvotes (hearts) will be then put into a poll that the community will vote on.

I personally thought it was a fun idea to engage the community. I'm not sure how good the bonus scenes would end up being—I'm not very comfortable with writing ideas that are not my own—but since it's a bonus anyway, I don't think anyone's expectation is really that high to begin with. But I see that it's a long way from being perfect. The thought of having a higher tier generate all the ideas now seem very unlikely, seeing as the number of ideas generated by the whole community is very small in the first place. Also, the ideas that are posted at the start of the contest have more chances of succeeding than newer ones. The fact that there are no options to downvote ideas is also kind of bad; it could create an environment where every idea has around the same number of votes.

I wanted this to be a test in order to see if I could create content that is exclusive to you guys. I know that, as a dev, I'm already productive enough in comparison to my peers. But I still feel like I'm not doing enough. I want to be as productive and as successful as I can be, and it feels like I still have a lot of opportunities to grow. I'm on the fence about what to do with this idea of bonus scenes. I might scrap it or change it entirely. We'll see. I guess the best way to know is to try it.



Hello! It was a good idea, and don't force yourself too much, you are indeed delivering a lot. I just think you should take into consideration the best, let's say, 3-5 ideias that you like the most, or the ones you find de most relevant storywise, and make another pool. It should feel better, more organized ;)


Been busy the last couple days but I've had some ideas about some good potential scenarios within the narrative. Ill try and post one later this evening as well. For what it's worth the idea itself is good for a 1year event imho, and not to mention good PR with your readers, plus just makes the story more intuitive for those who already have a projected scope of how things will end up playing out during/or after various endings. So don't think too hard on it. We appreciate your enthusiasm for generating more content in any case. ^_~


The idea itself was good, maybe the way scenes are voted for or selected needs some loking at. A bit messy :D


"I know that, as a dev, I'm already productive enough in comparison to my peers. But I still feel like I'm not doing enough. I want to be as productive and as successful as I can be," - And according to the poll it looks like your idea is in step with the desires of your audience, minus myself and a small minority. When I see "bonus scene" in this context, my brain registers it as beating the dead horse again. At this point it's exhuming the dead horse after it's been put to rest and then beating it for the nth time. *Sigh* I love your work, but the corruption's done. There's been more than enough increasingly debasing scenes to show it's done. Focus on moving onto the next part. Unless this is to stimulate your creative juices and/or avoid burnout. If so, carry on and keep doing what you need to do to keep that creative mind happy and healthy.