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I know I said the update would be available around the 20th, but I was able to finish everything a bit earlier than anticipated, probably because this is the smaller half of this particular ending.

V0.6.0 is around 16k words, adds five new CG sets and three-ish new sex scenes. It also concludes the alternative ending of the Normal path. I say conclude, but that’s the biggest reason why, as a writer, I’m not a fan of epilogue endings without clear goals; I could have kept on going indefinitely, so it’s hard to find a good place to stop. Anyway, I might do a post another day to rant about the Normal path, if I have the chance.

One detail that you might notice is that I animated the cover image in the menu. It also changes depending on if you have or haven’t reached one of Laura’s endings.

Something that you will probably not notice though is that I animated the first sex scene (between Harry and Laura) as well. I know we haven’t reached the goal yet, but updating the old scenes with the new animation style is one thing I really want to do. So, while it will not be every update, if I have the chance (it’s a lot of work after all), I might update an old scene from time to time. I also changed the goalpost for the current goals to make them more easily reachable.

Next update (next month) will introduce (and conclude) the Abrupt Path. Then, we’ll start the Hero Path. Thank you guys, as always, for supporting me. I don’t say it nearly enough, but being able to work on my passion full-time really means the world to me.




32-bit Version (might trigger antivirus): GDRIVE MEGA 

Changelog V0.6.0:


  • Animated the menu cover image
  • Added the information to reach the abrupt ending (which will be developed next month)


  • Added around 16k words to the story
  • 3 new sex scenes
  • 5 new CG cets




Wow... I know you explained before that the main reason you dislike endings like this one is that it's difficult to find a stopping point, but this, the reason that makes it difficult, is also the reason that makes it one of my favorite types of endings. You're right, you could have gone on for actual years. The insinuation that this is essentially still only the beginning, and that Harry's struggle will continue for years to come, vulnerable, being used, and on his own without even realizing it... It's like pure dopamine straight to my NTR-altered receptors. It's great because you've shown that Laura is completely lost, on a spiral of depravity that only goes downwards, and it lets the imagination roam... You also mentioned how you prefer more brutal endings, and I can't help but be so excited to see what else you have planned for Harry down the other paths. I'll admit, one of my favorite NTR stories actually comes from erotica, just plain text. It's a western piece, and that text describes acts so cruel and twisted that it left such an impression on me after reading it that I couldn't help but compare it to everything else NTR-related ever since (Japanese side included). The cuck eventually finds out, but it's kept a secret until the very end, after basically everything was taken from him with help from the person he trusted and loved most, and... let's just say it ends brutally for him. It's messed up to say, but it's beautiful. It's not the writing of that story in particular, but the depravity of the acts depicted up to and even after that point. Your games are the only things that make me feel the same way that text made me feel back when I first read it. Others have come close, but your stuff hits the bullseye. Yours is better, even. Not as cruel, at least not yet, but it's so close. It might not sound like it, but I mean it as the biggest compliment I can give. The cruelty is so sweet it's like you're doing it on purpose as if you were somehow in my head, knowing about it. I wonder how many others you're making feel this way... So many people dismiss NTR simply as a "cuck fetish" as if it's only about the girl sleeping with someone else. But when I read your work, I can't help but feel like you simply get it. Not just NTR, but its intricacies, the betrayal, the pain... you cut so deep and exactly where it hurts the best. It's silly to say, but you just make me feel giddy. Every time I go through what you release, post, or say, I think "Yep, this guy knows what it's about. Holy shit does he get it". I loved this ending and I loved the path leading to it, and I'm sorry you felt unsure about it. But seeing how well it turned out, at least in my opinion, I'm weirdly excited and at ease at the same time. I feel like you have it figured out despite your own doubts. I also love that you're sharing your thoughts, as I've said before. You said you felt as if your thoughts and feelings influenced the outcome of the vote for the next path, but I don't think that's a bad thing. Just as you're ready to take responsibility for every outcome possible from the choices you present to us, so should we be able to take responsibility for the choices we make. And the more information we have, the better. If some people were happier to wait for the Aya path after finding out you have doubts, that's on them. You shouldn't feel bad for allowing us to make informed decisions, even if you feel like you might be influencing the outcome. Just like you shouldn’t let your doubts eat away at you. If it helps to share them, I say please keep doing so. Personally, I'm not bored of Laura yet. We've had all that build-up; I feel that now's the perfect time to explore the possibilities before moving on to Aya (objectively best girl). Your passion for this is not only evident, it's contagious. I'm sorry for going on for this long, but I wanted to let all this out. I know a lot of it is subjective... but I'm so happy with your work. I'm sorry that problems keep popping up in your path. I can see how important it is for you to have control and consistency with your work. I say quality beats "visual consistency", but I would also be here even if your stories were text only. However, I know not everybody feels that way. But you seem to be on top of things, already having found another artist, making improvements to existing artwork without letting it affect your releases... Hell, you were even early this month. I'm trying not to take you for granted here, but you don't make it easy. By the way, I like the idea behind the main menu animation and how it changes. Details like that are always sweet to see. I'll always keep my fingers crossed wishing for smooth sailing for you. You're the best, HS.


This is very, very sweet. Also very, very scary (in the sense that it’s a lot of pressure). Please, always try to manage your expectations. While I do like my NTR brutal, I don’t know if we can really say that the other endings will be more brutal, or just equally brutal. One thing that I’m truly scared of is that the longer the project last and the harder it becomes for me to grasp the essence of NTR. I have less and less time to read other NTR works, and I feel like some of the ideas that I have might not be completely compatible with NTR. I’m a bit numb right now, but that might just be in my head. I guess we’ll have to wait to find out. But yeah, I’m glad that my writing can resonate with you to that level. I have a lot to learn still, and I expect that I will miss the mark eventually, but those kinds of words are what make me feel like it’s worth it to try my hardest. Thank you.


Of course, managing expectations is important. I didn't mean for what I said to add pressure on you, but I realize why it did. I get excited easily and sometimes I let myself get carried away. I'm a bit like a dog in that sense; really easy to get excited but also really hard to disappoint ;) Look, another analogy: I like my NTR like I like my coffee: with someone else's cock in my love interest. Wait, no, I meant dark and bitter. But hey, I also love cappuccinos. And iced coffee, coffee-flavored milkshakes, chocolate, cakes, and cookies. Even Starbucks. I was so happy with how this particular ending uh... ended up that it got the S&M part of my brain at attention and I went on without thinking too much about how what I write might be interpreted... Communication isn't really one of my strengths, I fail at it even in this format. I guess what I'm trying to say is... do what feels tastiest? Do you know how some people have a natural talent for things? Like how an artist might be able to paint a beautiful landscape without having learned about stuff like composition and contrast and everything else, but just simply doing it? They can get better after understanding the theory, but they don't really need it. I feel like you're a natural at NTR. I can't see inside your mind (as much as I might wish to), but your grasp of NTR seems to be pretty tight to me :) I want to say: feel free to experiment with your ideas and try things out even if it might seem a bit of a weird fit. But I know you'll do what you think is best, and I trust you. I hope time will ease your worries.


Hey there, qwertip. Fair warning, it's pretty dark. It's called "Evil Love" by Unrelenting Cruelty (a fitting pseudonym, I would say). As I said, it's pure text, no images or anything of the sort. You can Google it and you'll find it, no problem.


Just want to say that I’m not criticizing you in any way. In fact, I find it very endearing. It’s just, for me, writing in and of itself takes a lot of courage, so I’m forced to pretty much disregard everyone’s expectations if I want to keep going without being swayed in any way. Whenever I have the chance, I’ll try to reiterate that fact, that’s all. You’ve done nothing wrong, and I’ll say you even made my day a little bit brighter.


As much as i Love my NTR stories, i also have a strong sense of justice if you would like to call it that... Basically as much horrible shit is happening to our MC (and I do love it) i also want him to find happiness in his own route. Now I know that one of the Aya ending may have this, it is disappointing own the consumer part (if just me) that this story element won't be developed until almost half a year from now. Now in no way am I criticizing or bashing your for your work as I understand this project takes time and so far the game is just beautiful, and more people want the hero ending than Aya's so you will listen to the people. I just wanted to say that lol. Love your games man and can't wait for Aya's ending in the near future :)


for developer: you should check the erotica by unrelenting cruelty stated above, it's peak of ntr and you might find some idea there


I’ll probably check it out, but I’m usually more of a fan of Visual novels in general. I do read other forms of literature, but when it comes to porn, I kinda need visuals to go along with it.


So I was playing the game over again when I got to the part where Harry is talking to Laura otp yet Luca is having w/ her next door. I was thinking in future updates would this be the part where Harry starts to fall for Aya? So I imagine we are playing the Laura route - Aya's path and the player chose to fall for Aya through previous choices, as Harry gets off the phone with Laura is remembers how Maya also fell for Luca's tricks when he was younger and gets in deep thought about it. He compares Maya to Laura and (probably) figures out the pattern going on between the two. Now here is where we get a MAJOR split in the story... Harry could either fight for Laura back OR move on to Aya, as he knows Aya loves him and Aya hates Luca (as she said multiple times).


Its a hard split in the story as now there will definitely be different narratives and outcomes but it gives the player a deeper connection to the game as now we are Harry and we get this game changing decision. Either way this point in the story where Laura realizes Harry is weak and useless, Harry should also get a choice on what to decide. Does he do nothing and try to wait things out (which is what he doing now in the story), be more aggressive/piece together past, present, and future clues about Laura and Luca to try to save his woman, or does he give up and move on??? THIS IS ALL JUST A WHAT IF. I'm fully invested in the story and just want to satisfy all perspectives. But yea, I got to this part of the story and thought "This would be a great point for Harry to make a major decision"