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I know this might look premature. I mean, we just voted for the next Path a month ago, and we still haven’t completed the alternative ending of the Normal path yet, but in order to efficiently use my resources and lead my artists, I need to be fairly proactive. So bear with me, please.

As you might have noticed, Aya’s path is one of the choices this time around. Some people might have expected me to keep it as the last path for Laura’s route, but that was never my intention. I just wanted to make sure I could handle writing it. And to be entirely honest, I still don’t know if I can. I expect it to win, but please read the details about the paths before choosing (yes, I’m giving details this time around, albeit barely).

Aya’s Path: I knew writing it would be a challenge. Even though it might sound stupid to those who don’t understand the kink, NTR needs real love in order to work. And it also needs empathy for the male character. So making Harry cheat on Laura for no reason or making Aya fall without Harry being romantically interested in her wouldn’t work. It would just feel rushed or cheap. Which means this path is rather slow and I don’t know how much action (sex) I will be able to pack in it (at least, at the beginning). As of right now, I don’t feel really confident in what I wrote. Obviously, I might be overthinking it. I already said it in the past, but I’ve been working on this story for a very long time, so I can’t evaluate it accurately anymore. The only thing I want to say is that I haven’t had the time to re-read my reading, I haven’t finished writing the path yet, and I have a lot of mixed feelings right now. So if it wins now, that’s totally fine, but keep in mind that if I’m given more time, I might be able to make it a bit—a bit—better. It’s at least six updates long and should have an alternative ending. So if it’s mediocre, it will be mediocre for a long while.

Good Path: So for those wondering why there’s a good ending when it’s a NTR, it’s because I ran a poll at the start of the project to know if people wanted a good ending. And, as you see, the good ending did in fact win. There’s still a bit of NTR in it, and you learn a bit about Harry’s past—you see a bit of Maya. It’s one update long (hopefully) and has a small (few thousand words) alternative ending. I’m somehow confident about it, but then again, it’s ultimately a “good” ending, so not necessarily what you guys are looking for.

Hero Path: This path has been confusing for a lot of people, and for good reason. If you haven’t noticed, I’m bad with naming things in general. For example, all of my female characters’ names finish with an A. For those wondering, yes, this path is pure NTR... for the most part. And Laura’s mother takes a moderate role in it. I’m just really not sure if this type of ending will work, to be honest. I’m testing things, pretty much, as always. But still, as of right now, I’m more confident with this path than with Aya’s path. This path is around five updates long and has one alternative ending.

Hopefully I could clear a bit of confusion, though I doubt it.


Ali G

I hope the good and hero paths come before Aya’s! I love her but I’d rather you get to her when you feel confident you can do it


Most excited for Hero path actually, but voted Good to increase the suspense x) If Aya comes first too, that is no problem for me


I'm fine with giving you more time to work on the Aya path. I'm excited for it and want it to be the best it can be, so if you need more time that's fine. I voted for one of the other paths in the meantime.


I wanna see Laura’s mom mirroring and influence..! Like mom like daughter type 😙


I am super hyped for the Aya path. But as I really want her story to be an awesome NTR plot and also a different take on NTR then Laura’s approach, I will vote for the Hero path for now, so that there is more time for HC to tweak his storyboard. The hero path also sounds very interesting and I am looking forward for some different Laura NTR action and some milfy stories. As always a huge thx HC, and cheers to you!


Never thought I'd be saying this but your writing somehow has me so invested in Harry and Laura that I'm actually rooting for the good path. That and the fact that I'm curious how you'll salvage their relationship. Perhaps its because the paths so far have been Laura-centric but I find Aya a bother so far. Maybe I'll come around when her path actually begins ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Regardless, keep up the great work!


Beth stands as the proud exception to the rule! Perhaps you could name your next fem char Sarah🤔


So in case of good ending...will we have a worst ending ?


It's subjective. Some people think Normal Alt#1 is more brutal than Alt#2, and some think it's the other way around. The only thing I can tell you is that I'm trying my best to make it hard for Harry.