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As I mentioned previously, there are two updates left before reaching the first ending. In word count, that’s around 34k words. If you divide it by two, it’s 17k words for each update, which is a bit smaller than usual (usual being 20k words). That’s not a big deal per se, but normally I try to at least end the release on a good note. A small cliffhanger, but nothing that would blue ball the readers. But this time, there’s no escaping that. The next update, which should release in around a week, will end prematurely, in the middle of a rather important event (it will stop at Harry’s perspective, but will not show Laura’s side of things). I’m not a fan of doing something like that, but I don’t really have any other choice. Not all scenes have been drawn for that ending yet. And now, since we have animations, I need to wait not only for my artists but for my animator as well, which fucks with my development cycle a little. I thought about running a poll on whether to wait one month and have one big update instead of two smaller updates in two months, but I kinda already knew that people would prefer having something this month rather than nothing. Also, Patrons have already paid this month, so I kinda want/need to release something.

Incidentally, the other alternative ending (which will be after this one), will probably be two updates in length as well, even though it’s only around 30k words. I’ve been kind of overzealous with the number of scenes in that one, and there’s no way my artists/animator can finish all of it in the timeframe I would normally want. Which means that the updates after reaching the first ending will still be below my usual output.

So yeah, I really wanted to warn you guys that the next couple of updates will be a bit smaller than what you’re used to. Also, the update in a week will end kinda abruptly. Sorry about that.

I don’t know when I’ll be able to release 20k words updates like I used to. Hopefully, after those two endings. But with the animator, and since the endings oftentimes have more scenes, it might be a bit more tricky.



Update size is affected by factors of the creative process, I think people can understand that. And I don't really mind cliffhangers too much, they can actually be nice once in a while. I feel that monthly releases would be preferable no matter the size, though even if you sometimes want to skip a month for a bigger update that could be fine if it all serves the story. So two updates for the first alternative ending after the first ending? These endings are sure going to take time considering the number of them. Hope it all works out well.


Thanks for the heads up. Which ending are you planning to work on after the current one?


Sounds like it's gonna be brutal, which can be good :D Though if you didn't split it up 50/50, the next update would have maybe been kind of short? I don't know the circumstances for the plot, but I think, like the last update, which ended with Harry's perspective too, is a good way to create hype for the next update maybe? :D No idea, anyway my body is ready!


I don't mind smaller updates as long as everything is as you planned and there are no compromises when everything is done. Btw. In the past, you said you were afraid that fans might lose interest when you are done with the first endings. The potential solution would be starting Anya's route after finishing 2 of Laura's endings and finishing the remaining endings after Anya's route is done. It would mix things up enough to keep people interested.


Thanks for the infos! Maybe - if by any chance you have less to do due to the delays of your artists, you could implement more details/little scenes/… into the already finished parts of the game with the asset and art pieces youve already got. I would love to see some more short little scenes inbetween showing the corruption process. Or do you have different plans to close those gaps (since you dont have the usual amount of work concerning the word count). Just know I dont want to pressure you, you might have to do other things like implementing animations or stuff I wouldnnt know. And even if you take a rest inbetween its well deserved. Im just curious on what else you might work and give you some feedback where Id if possible like to see more work on..


Hey, there, hope everyone is doing fine :). So, I've being reading the news and your thoughts about updates and endings. Thank you very much for sharing. If I may stress out my opinion here (and this is just my personal opinion, so don't mind it to much), I'd consider a let down if the main story (Normal Branch) was the same lenght as the others. I really really wanna see a lot of Laura corruption (or corrupted) side. But this is me, my selfish me talking here hehe. And I'm not saying you need to change the pace you already set, since that's very important to reach your goals and keep up your work. You don't need to answer or anything, but if I may ask, please, consider, give it a though, about making the normal branch a little bit longer, in future updates, if possible :). Also, I'm not sure if you ever took breakes since the beginning of this work. IMO, I don't mind if you take a break for a month. First of all it's normal, and besides that, it can work wonders in the creative process. Oh, this was about the lenght of the updates, sorry. I don't mind that much about it, but the pacing you suggested sounds good, it works for me just fine. Thank you for your work :)


After the normal branch? I thought about the good ending to change pace a bit since it would only be one update worth of content, but I'm not sure.


I just started writing Aya's branch, so it will take a while before I can integrate it in the game, I think. But I do understand the reasoning.


Animations, at least right now, take more time to implement. So, actually, the development cycle is longer than before. Don't know if/when that will change though. But I do like the idea of adding small scenes here and there, but that's not something I can afford for the moment.


The normal branch has been written in its entirety for a while now. So I don't really have any interest to go back and lengthening it . But I did mention previously that I would be willing to add more content if people are not satisfied with the endings that I came up with. We'll see if that time ever comes. For now though, I'm focusing on the five primary endings.