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Old goals

I just wanted to make a quick post about the goals, more specifically to tell you that I was able to find a voice actress for Aya’s moaning sounds. The VA is Pixie Willow. She’s really popular in the adult VA industry. I didn’t have the chance to converse with her much, but she was extremely professional and easy to work with.

I know it will take some time before you can truly hear Aya squeal (sadness), but here’s one version of her moan. It can at least give you an idea of what she sounds like: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EemkRDFOQAxex_3jUphQWeElWx6TjASm/view?usp=sharing

I’m still not sure if it was a good idea to commission her moans now since I don’t know the full range of the sounds that I need, but even if I miss something, it can easily be rectified I guess.

With this, and with the animations that were implemented in the last update, I can proudly say that all goals have been accomplished! Of course, some of the goals need to be applied to each update (extra CGs, animations), but at least this gives me the opportunity to think about new ones.

New goals

I, unfortunately, don’t have any original ideas for new goals. Still, I thought of two simple ones:

1. (4500$) Slowly shift old sex scenes to the new animation style

It would take some time—maybe one scene each update—but it would be much more uniform if all sex scenes had the same animation style. Of course, the new scenes take precedent, so the working speed of my animator needs to be taken into consideration, but I think changing one old scene every update would be feasible.

2. (5000$) Moaning sounds for the side characters (Maya and Sandra)

Since both characters will have scenes (though limited), I think it would be great to have moaning sounds for them too. At the same time, it might be considered a waste of resources. Sandra, I think, will have enough scenes to warrant her own moaning sounds, but Maya, as of right now, really doesn’t have much. It might change in the future, but it’s something that’s really hard to account for.

So yeah, those are my boring ideas for new goals. I’m unsure as to whether the second one is worth it though. What do you guys think? If the response is positive, I’ll add both goals to the page in a few days. Also, if I read good suggestions, I might add those as well. So, if you have any, share your ideas with me, pretty please.


British Lion

I think both suggestions sound good. I can’t think of any other suggestions at the moment. Also I clicked the link but the sound won’t load.


I think that you've done a really nice job so far. I'm not sure how much feedback you've received on this, but I really enjoyed the additional effects on character's reactions, such as the "yellow spikes" around Aya when she is surprised, or the popping sound effect when her enthusiasm bursts. I think they are great and funny, they just simply make it more fun to read through everything. I don't know how much work it takes, but I would very much enjoy seeing more of that. I like the VAs but I am just as content with the characters being silent, so I would not mind if something else would take priority over the addition of voices for the side characters. I've seen some games use some sort of 2.5 D characters that move a bit and jiggle, IYKWIM, perhaps that would be an interesting goal? (for future projects, not this one)


I think the animations rework sounds good, though i also wanted them to be a bit more 'rough', but from what i understood it was maybe some sort of language barrier ^^ Also it was his first time working full animations in his VNs. Only goal i could think of myself was full voice acting, but i quickly left the idea, cuz it's a loooot of work xD Voices might be waste of resources, but also as previously mentioned. All these small details quickly add up and makes it a lot better! :D The step from no voice to voice in scenes did a lot for me personally, but yeah really depends on the amount of scenes required. Maybe if he is lucky he can use the same voice actor for both, depending on actors range ofc ^^ I was already sold on the story even before voices were added! Anyways like the goal ideas! :D


It might take a minute, but it should eventually load. Alternatively, if it doesn't load, you can always click the download button on the top right corner of the page.


I feel like my comment failed to post so let me try again. The VA is very good, I can get an even better grasp of their skill and range than Laura VA due to the available samples. I might look forward to this even more than Laura VA. The Aya preview is also very good, though it is as it name says slow happy moans, so it is not quite as high pitched and youthful as I would imagine as her "default" sound. The giggles work very fittingly. The Twitter of the VA has a pinned sample video and the first example shows just how well she can also do higher pitch I would expect from Aya. Shame you did not find this VA earlier, you could have considered putting an Aya lewd voice preview in the game, maybe her messing around while Harry is on the phone with Laura, but I don't think such a moment would fit the ending part of the story where we are with the updates at the moment. The goals are decent and of the kind that does not demand too much time away from the writing process. This story is so far already that it might be good to go with these goals until the end of this game. You will need to figure out new higher goals anyway for the next project since there will be no more old scenes to update or possibly different situation with side characters.


Personally I would prefer if the goals were swapped since I think more VA work will make a bigger impact than animating the older scenes. Not sure if that's viable financially though


To me animation is one of the most important thing but do what you think is best


Oh, before I forget, could you please consider commissioning multiple alternate orgasm sounds? My pretty much only nitpick with the moaning sounds so far is the same repeating sound for Laura. I would very much like to hear a few different styles and intensities for Aya.


Her voice has already been recorded. I have a few different orgasm noises, but if you feel that the 8 or so orgasm sounds for Laura are not enough, then you might feel the same way for Aya. More recordings can be made, of course, but I would need more than just some orgasm noises if I ever decide to do that. I'll keep it in mind, though.


Keeping it in mind is all I can hope for from you. Based on my experience the Laura voice has that one particular voice that is just so distinctive it always catches my attention when it appears and makes me feel it appears in a very dominating way in most of the scenes. I really wonder if it is the voice itself or the sound setup of the scene. I guess I will wait for Aya scenes so I can have some comparison. There is the possibility that I find that one voice clip just not to my liking, in which case the issue is very subjective and might not even exist with Aya VA. Anyway, it was just a nitpick that was kinda in the top of my mind so I felt like sharing it as it relatted to the post topic.