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In the first thread on this subject, I asked you guys whether you’d prefer if I develop every ending in parallel or one at a time. The answer was pretty unanimous. Everyone (myself included) seems to believe that focusing on one ending at a time would be not only simpler for me but also easier to follow along from a reader’s standpoint. So that’s exactly what I’m going to do. We’ve reached the point in the story where the story branches off (the vote for Luca’s proposal being the catalyst). As I’ve mentioned multiple times, there are five branches. So five endings. But there might be alternative endings in some of the branches. Which, in that sense, means there are going to be more than five endings. I’m listing the name of every branch here, with the condition to reach them.

Normal branch


- Trust Laura most of the time

- Avoid Aya most of the time OR do not follow her during the vote for Luca’s proposal

- Don’t understand Laura

Abrupt branch


- Don’t trust Laura most of the time

- Avoid Aya most of the time OR do not follow her during the vote for Luca’s proposal

- Don’t understand Laura

Good branch


- Don’t trust Laura most of the time

- Avoid Aya most of the time OR do not follow her during the vote for Luca’s proposal

- Understand Laura

Hero branch


- Trust Laura most of the time

- Avoid Aya most of the time OR do not follow her during the vote for Luca’s proposal

- Understand Laura

Aya branch


- Stay with Aya most of the time AND follow her during the vote for Luca’s proposal

As you can see, the names of the branches are not very original, I didn’t have the time to think them through. There will be a menu in the EXTRA section of the game with the current endings implemented/being implemented with the necessary information needed to reach them, so you don’t have to keep coming here to know how to reach a certain ending.

The first branch that I’m going to implement is the Normal branch. There isn’t any real reason for it except for the fact that it’s the first one that I wrote, and I currently have my artists working on it. It will have two alternative endings. It should take around four months to completely implement (it will be around 70k – 80k long with the two alternatives). I won’t go into any more detail since I don’t want to spoil anything.

For the implementation of the other branches, I still don’t know in what order I’m going to go about it. Some people want me to run a poll and let the community decides. I don’t have any problem with that idea, but if that’s the case, I’ll probably need to make the poll soon if I want to know where to put my focus next. Also, if I do make a poll to decide on the next branch, I might need to give more information about the ending for people to have a better understanding of what they’re voting on, but that might give spoilers, so I don’t know if I wanna do that. One thing is for sure, though. Aya’s ending will probably not be the second branch implemented. I want to put more thought into it since it will lay a bit of the groundwork for her route.

In any case, let me know what you think. Should I decide the order myself or should I make polls?



I get the sense that people are hungry for some Aya content. So maybe do that after normal branch?


I would say decide for yourself what to do next because I don't want any spoilers


If you don't have a strong desire to retain control then I would support polling the patrons.

Ali G

Decide yourself me no want spoilers and I want you to be as motivated as possible not just writing because you feel you have to


Whatever method allows me to see Luca get Laura and Aya at the same time


Definitely you should be the one to decide the endings’ order. Allowing patrons to decide could backfire quite substantially. Scenario 1: You create the poll with the given ending names without any additional spoilers. People will vote assuming they know what to expect in each ending. This could lead to disappointment when they find out the voted route is different from what they expected. Scenario 2: You create the poll with the given ending names plus additional spoiler information of what to expect. In this case people will not commit a blind decision but there will be no surprise which defeats the purpose of the NTR genre (in my opinion) - because along the progressive corruption, the most exiting fact is the unknown of further escalation. Additionally you wrote that for Aya’s ending you prefer to put more thought into it, which is understandable as the main focus till now was Laura. If patrons decided that they want Aya’s ending next this could lead to somewhat ‘forced’ writing (which I honestly doubt considering your writing skills, but still). All in all, you should be the one to decide. Patrons will get unspoiled endings + high quality writing (because nothing is forced upon you).


The one concern i have is you mentioned the normal ending will take about 4 months to complete, which means roughly 4 updates. Isn't that too quick? I have enjoyed the pacing of the game so far, only recently has Laura started to be corrupted by Luca, so seeing it end in 4 more updates seems really, REALLY rushed to me? Isn there suppose to be some time where Laura fully accepts/processes her new feelings where she gives into Luca and is completely disappointed in Harry? Assuming this is what the normal ending entails which by the short description it seems like it. All i am saying is i hope the pacing is as consistent as it's been so far and that we have time to "marinate" the part where Laura is fully corrupted and is happily cheating behind Harry's back.


Isn't Laura already there? She's already happily cheating behind Harry's back, and with Luca's proposal, she is publically going against Harry's trust. I love the pacing as well, but I think that Laura's already reaching end game. Aya, has just hit the starting point, and even with her I do think 4 updates would be sufficient since her and Luca's interaction will ramp up from here. I get your concern, but I think finishing the story in 4 updates is more than doable. Either way, I trust Hangover cat's pacing and decisions. He clearly loves his writing and has put much care into it, doubt he'd try and rush things.


Like I mentioned in the post—maybe I wasn’t clear enough (sorry)—Aya’s ending will probably wait a bit longer because I really want to think it through.


As mentioned in post, Aya’s ending probably won’t be the second ending implemented. I haven’t started writing it yet, and I don’t wanna rush it, if possible. But I do understand that people really want to see it.


Hopefully, it won’t feel rushed, but it’s always hard for me to really gauge. I already said that if people are displeased with the endings that I thought of, I would be open to try and implement more. The fact that Aya also has a route doesn’t help. The project is definitely bigger than I first anticipated. We’ll see how it goes.


She is by no means "happily" cheating on Harry right now, she literally said she hates herself after every session and that she wants to legit kill Luca. Her agreeing with stuff is basically all because of the rules not her wanting to, even when she agreed with his proposal she basically tried to sway everyone else to vote what they think is best and not just follow her lead. Laura has just now basically started to get corrupted, she lets little things slip up here and there like thinking Harry is incompetent in some moments because he does not notice the distress she is in and also acknowledging that she feels good in some moments when she almost gets caught, but she still always ends up saying she hates those feelings. It's not a full on corrupted mode where she goes basically "Fuck Harry he is useless i love Luca and his dick and dont care about that loser", i feel like she is still far, FAR away from that moment.


Not ending related but I would just like to have a scene of Laura and Harry making love but Laura noticing that it is inferior to Luca.


Decided it for Yourself :D. Don't let us make the last call, we can give some advice and ideas, but that's all :). We all leave it up to you boss. After all the reason were here is cuz of your stories 💖. ps: The last update was amazing, specially the part where laura and hary were laying on the bed. Laura was so sexy


I feel 4 updates might be just the sweet spot. The middle of the story with Laura has been handled very well regarding her pace of falling, her reluctance is just perfectly balanced. I like her so much more than Beth because she is able to hold on so well, she is a strong girl, and I hope she holds out a tiny bit longer into that 4 updates since it's a decently long time. But the end must come, and 4 updates seems like the right time in relation to the previous pacing. The Age of Aya has to be reached at some point, so the push forward must be maintained. Regarding the order of Endings, I feel you already reached the most important placemts in putting Normal first and Aya last. I feel the ones in between could be almost in any order. Perhaps the smaller or least self diverging the ending, the more middle it should be in the timeline. Like having to most important and demanding endings first and last so we get something nice first but have something important to wait till the very end.