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I know I said I would share the sketch, but I decided that it would be best to wait until I had the final version of the illustration before sharing it (since certain subtilities can be overlooked with sketches).

The illustration portrays Laura next to a whiteboard in the conference room (something that will happen a couple of times in the game).

So my question here is: do you think Laura resembles herself? The reason why I’m asking this is that quite a few people had initially voted yes to commission this particular artist, but thought that she looked too young/didn’t look like herself at all in the Christmas illustration. This kinda put me in an awkward position, because I didn’t know how many people thought that way, and I can’t commission an artist who can’t portray my characters properly. So this illustration is probably close to the best this artist can do regarding Laura. I personally think this looks great, but I want to know what you guys think.

Be aware that if enough people vote ‘yes,’ then this particular illustration will be integrated into the game. So be mindful of your vote.

Also, the votes ‘she looks too young’ will be counted as a no, just so everyone knows.

I know that some people won’t be happy with the result. I want to involve everyone somehow, but maybe that’s not such a good idea. In the future, I might just choose myself, instead of making polls... I don’t know yet. I’ll think about it.

Anyway, I also have a nude version with her straight hair and a 'cumming' face, so that you can see how he handles a nude body:

And here are some other facial expressions:

This poll will only last for twenty-four hours, like the previous one. So just vote for what you think is best for the game. If you don't think this artist is good enough, then that's fine. I'll just keep looking. No stress.



The only thing that would make me vote no is the eyes look too bright/glowy for my taste but otherwise it looks great!


She looks better. Maybe too much thighs


Each artist has their own characteristics. But for this kind work, he/she should be drawn to resemble the original character design, not his/her own style, like as every animators do(I know it's It's very rude thing to artists).

shpee wang

I think it looks good, the eye colour in the last two pictures is a little too bright, but otherwise great drawings.


It is nice art but that massive thighs with ass and eyes need to be changed if this will be your artist. I know all artists got own styles but this is too much i think


Yeah, there's clear improvement over last attempt, but thighs, and other body proportions are a bit off, almost as if this artist is more modern 'cartoony' hentai, while the other one\s are more traditional hentai.. nonetheless, the people have spoken, I think, 50:18 for commission atm. and I'd be happy to see this scene play out


That artist is actually quite talented. and oddly from this angle and her body proportions drawn the way he did in this illustration, she actually looks a lot closer to the age she is supposed to portray now. I think that initial drawing of her just came off like she was younger due to her positioning and her facial expression. This is significantly better.


Laura is an executive with a strong character in her late twenties. The pics are of a MILF at her forty. There are two possibilities, the cartoonist has not played the VN or is a devotee of Rubens or Botero. IMO he (or she) is triying to get it but it needs an effort


I agree with most, this attempt is done much, much better. Especially the face looks A LOT closer to the Laura we have seen so far. She looks more adult (the tied-up hair is done very well) and the style isnt that shiny and chibi-like anymore. And while it might never be perfect because it will always be two different artists drawing the same imaginary person I think this is as close as it can get. Congratulations, I was quite sceptical before!


One thing though: her look could/should be a bit more serious and not that friendly


IN A PERFECT WORLD I would prefer you sticking with the original artist for the sex scenes to not create disparity and use that supporting artist for stuff like character splash arts and additional scenes like phone pictures (Luca asking for a sexy selfie for example)/frame pictures/flashbacks etc. I think it would fit perfectly. Also I would like to see how does this artist handle stern and serious faces as right now it fits Aya more than Laura. I'm not sure it would work for sex scenes because it's kinda more on the cute side and that last hatefuck scene in the hotel would suffer if that author was used. That's my input. I guess my answer is: depends on where it's used - outside of sex scenes - probably good, sex - the answer is no from me.


Personally, I think the art is fine. I place more value in the context of the situation than in the art itself. However, if we're talking about emulating the previous art style, she comes off as a bit pudgy in this. Though, it's difficult to compare as we never really get a good angle of her full body in the stance used here.


Merry Christmas!

Amir Yordi

I don’t think she looks 40 and her thights are perfect amazing art

Amir Yordi

I think Laura changed after cumming 20+ times in one night lol, this artist expressions might fit her current sex craving self