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First, I want to apologize for the delay of this release. The main reason for it is that I used both my animators for the final update of NTR'd By Clumsiness earlier this month, and since it takes a while to animate one scene (like three weeks)... well, anyway, I was praying that this wouldn't happen but it kinda did.

What's even worse is that this update is slightly smaller than the previous ones. Mainly because I would need another animation if I wanted to continue. And I wanted to since it ends pretty much in the middle of the date between Harry and Aya. I was thinking of maybe just skipping this month and having a bigger update next month, but I'm sure a lot of you guys were waiting for this update, so this will unfortunately have to do.

V0.4.5 is 19k+ words in length. It adds 4 CG sets, and 2 scenes. I don't really know how I feel about it, mainly because I already feel bad for not releasing it sooner. I guess I'm just annoyed that it ends at such an awkward moment.

By the way, I added a menu to see (kind of) the rules of the game between Aya and Luca. It should be in the quick menu during Aya's perspective. Someone told me that he had a hard time following their game and so this menu might refresh the memories of some people. Though... it might introduce bugs because of how late I implemented it. And I might have forgotten a few things... If you notice anything, please let me know.

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Changelog V0.4.5


  • Added a menu for the game rules between Aya and Luca


  • Added 4 CG sets

  • Added 2 scenes

  • Added 19k~ words to the story



Colin Westerman

Where it ends was fine in my opinion because the scenes in 4.5 more than made up for it! I'm always left in awe at your ability to make every update feel fresh and surprising.

Kimi Ainz

Spoiler warning ⚠️ Oh man, oh man, oh man! What an update! Firstly, I wanna give props to the artists. They knocked it out of the park with this one. The CG sets were amazing, and the animation was delightful. Now, let's get to the meat and potatoes... I now understand why you felt "sad" about not being able to hold this update back. This was the "date with bf while the bull is constantly summoning the female protagonist throughout the date" type of arc. So I can clearly see why you would have loved to cover the full date in one update (it would have been amazing). However, don't feel bad; the update was absolutely amazing. And I personally don't feel like this was truly a turning point yet, so I wouldn't be so upset about it. However, I WILL say... If this situation presents itself again when we reach the arc of the "corruption/mindbreak scene", I would HIGHLY suggest covering the entire thing just like you did with Laura. I personally wouldn't mind waiting a blank month if it meant I get the whole thing in one go, but again, this is just my opinion. Although, I don't think many people would disagree with me on this (I'm actually interested to know, so fellow fans, please do let me know if you guys think this take is dog shit). But yeah, the update was overall amazing, and this is not me just glossing over it. The way Aya is setting herself up for failure hurts my heart, and seeing how she's slowly breaking is absolutely amazing. You have improved your writing a lot in the past year (even if you don't give yourself credit for it much). The pacing, especially, not too fast, but not too slow. I hope you keep it this way and don't rush into anything nor do you stall like in some other visual novels (from other creators that I won't mention). I'm looking forward to the next update already, keep up the great work! And again, sorry for the yapping. Till next time! Side note: I don't want to sound like a fanboy, so I'll point out as well that I located a few spelling errors (more like just 2 if I'm remembering correctly, might be more or less). Aside from that, again, great job!


That waiter bet seems weird, who would agree to that? I understand suspension of disbelief but having Aya so sure he'd do it is a bit much