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After such a long time, I can finally publish these two chapters.

There is not much to say about them. I think they should speak for themselves. They do, however, open up a door to future contents. Fate aficionados should be able to recognize that character introduced at the beginning of chapter 32 right off the bat.


Chapter 32 

Chapter 33 

PS: I think I should explain the reason for a two months-long wait. I won't go into much personal detail. Suffice to say that mental illnesses are probably the worst kind of conditions one might have. If any of you suffers from depressions or one of your loved ones do, my heart goes out to you. Even when we aren't suffering from the illness ourselves, standing by someone who has it is an extremely draining and frustrating endeavor
Hold your loved one close every day. They need it just as much as you do.



What happened to chapter 31??

Vaughn Alea

Glad you are back! Hope everything is well now.


Chapter 31 should be viewable in the Chapter List (Initiate).


Best of luck to you, it's hard to be there for loved ones suffering too


Hey, thanks for reaching out. You are perfectly correct. I can and should do much better than this. Even though life threw me several curve balls this past couple of years, I take full responsibility for my shortcomings. Unfortunately, writing isn't something you can sit down and make happen. Sometimes, I stare at the screen blankly without writing a single word and grow increasingly frustrated with myself, which leads to further difficulties. I gave myself writing goals, and I have steadily missed them. In shame, I resorted to keeping my silence until someone called me out on it like you just did. I can only apologize for this behavior. I want to promise I'll do better in the future, but I'd rather not and let my behavior speak in my stead. In any event, thank you for supporting me until this moment even though I didn't deserve itit. I really appreciate it.