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Hi everyone,

sorry for dropping off the face of earth. Unfortunately due to some personal reason I couldn't write much this month. The update is halfway done and I plan on finishing and delivering it to you by the 15th of July. 

I'll make it up for the missing month of content by releasing more stuff in the coming months. 

I hope you'll forgive me for disappearing without a word.

On a different topic, Patreon has made some change in order to comply with sales taxes across the world. Depending where you are, you might get an additional charge on your pledge. I did all I could on my end to prevent that from happening, but I don't know if that will change anything.

That's all for now. Sorry again for letting you all down and see you very soon.



I'm just glad to see you're alright. I don't mind if you can't catch up for a month. Just stay safe!


Good to see that you're safe. Don't strain yourself

David Evans

Hi, hope you are doing well. Just wondering when the chapter will drop


Are you okay? Did something else happen?