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And here's Chapter 58. I won't say much about this one, other that this were also all events I had planned from the start of the story.

On a scale from one to ten, rate how evil you think I am in the comments.

Tomorrow, I'll put up the poll for the next update.

Till then.


Benjamin Lawton

From 1 to 10? I'd say 8. Possibly higher, though, depending on Rider's state of mind when she wakes up.


Definitely a solid 8/10. I was really enjoying the byplay with Rider. Now she is sliding back into her monstrous Gorgon state. Can't lie, I'm super bummed out about it. But I have loved the ride until now, so I'm also excited to see where you take this. I mean Rider is a fallen god turned monster, how will the modern world deal with that?


8. No question.


I have respected your work for a very long time. I have a bad habit of skipping over A/Ns to continue the story faster and keep the anticipation building. You are a master of your own, I haven't seen many compare to your writing on FF


Then in respect I am a child. You have clearly thought out where this is going. This story makes my hairs stand on end and excitement build in my chest.

Benjamin Mages

8. Poor Medusa, she doesn't have even half the ego Gilgamesh did and even Gil didn't escape completely unscathed mentally (based off of his more blatantly villainous behavior in F/SN as opposed to F/Z). Welp. Let's see how they deal with Gorgon in their backyard.

Benjamin Mages

Oh, and I rate you a 9 on the evil scale. No one's died yet so it's not 10, but getting close.

Parker Maisterra

Gorgon is going to show up- a part of me is both absolutely terrified but also extremely happy