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And here's Chapter 9 as well. I said what I wanted to say on the previous post so I'll just leave it here. 

Tomorrow I'll put up the poll for the story update.

See you then.


Zephyr Ahriman

Sooo... is Kazehana gonna be one of Shirou's sekirei?


Okay, I was planning to vote for Path of the King next, but now this has gotten WAY too interesting.

Nero Artorius Syrinx

So, I hope you don't take offense at this but the spelling quality of your work has suddenly taken a nose dive in the last few chapters. This one only had a few, but Path of A Wandering Hero had many. I hesitated to point it out, expecting someone else to, but none ever did. Still enjoyed the story though.


I concur with Nero above. I've been noticing a lot more typo's and other grammatical errors. It's not so bad that it makes the story unreadable, far from it in fact. But, it is jarring when you're reading story and you run into an error. Other than that, I have really enjoyed the last few chapters. Looking forward to what you do with the charaterisations.