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I made it in time! Chapter 26 is here!

I must say that I'm not really happy with the overall feel and flow, but I toyed with it for days until I decided that I was either going to write it from scratch (again) or just post it like this.

I hope you like it better than I do.

Make sure to let me know in the comments.



Admittedly the chapter felt rather short, but that may be because of all the chaos that was just wrapped up (for now). And even then, god DAMN was it satisfying. That Kyoko bitch has absolutely no idea who she just pissed off.

Eternity Smut

Send her to the clocktower and 'approved' weirdo mages. I'm sure they need bodies to experiment on, or just leave her to Illya :p


Dead woman walking says "what"? Also, she tries to hire more mercenaries, who hear that she's going up against someone names 'Emiya' and has no idea why they all laugh in her face

Basti Fortuna

Ok I'll be a regular subscriber if you update this at least once a month. Thank you!