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Here's the first half of the promised update. I'm working on chapter 24 and I should have it done in a few days. 

Shit is a about to hit the fan for Shirou and friends. Don't go anywhere, now, or you might miss it.

PS: It hasn't been proofread yet, so please forgive any mistake you might find.



Damn...just damn. If the girls thought their reasons for being at the Hinata were bad...


Damn, that first part in italics makes me so hyped to see what will happen and seeing Shirou going postal... put considering what happened with Motoko, we might have to wait for 5-6 chapters before we reach that point... so maybe in a couple of years with how the voting goes :( Also when I read Zaiaku's comment I thought about Naru... she will get herself brutally killed by Sakura (and Rider) if she ever starts whining about her experiences with Sera (her first time was with her crush but *gasp* he regretted it) and her adopted father (he touched her inappropriately... but it could have been a mistake and in the end he backed off) I mean I feel sorry for her and I understand her issues but Sakura got raped by worms and Shinji constantly for a decade!!!!! And even worse I remember Naru's extra backstory stuff that Neoalfa mentioned in the forum. Man is that going to cause a mess:)


Oh, so your are familiar with certain details about Naru's absentee father are you? If so, send me a direct message.