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And here's chapter 53. My beta has done a very fast job.

Have fun with reading this. Chapter 54 and the bonus scene from chapter 50 are almost done too.

See you later.



Very much liked how this Herakles is playing out, proving to be a rock of sanity for his less stable master. I'd even go so far as to say that he's probably the most sensible character in the story. Certainly more so than team Shirou. A grail war where the only sane man is berserker. Of course, that could have been said of canon as well.


Well... I'm honestly not sure if that last part is good or not... and that is very concerning. I mean, on the surface it seems good, and given the unexpected twists that this story sometimes throws at us, it very well could be. But my gut says that this will turn out to be quite bad for our heroes.

Yannik Wagner

I think I have to agree with you. I believe the only one responsible for this has to be Gilgamesh himself and I don’t believe he can bring himself to stay out of the war for long without Kotomine