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At last, Chapter 50 is here! 

It took quite some time to get here (ever since December 2011!!!!) but we finally did it. 

Chapter 51 will drop right in the middle of the conflict. The kids' gloves are off.  The story will be a lot more action packed and lot less about character development and interaction (though there will still be a fair amount of that too).

Tomorrow we'll see who won the poll and thus which story gets my attention next.

For the time being, enjoy this chapter.



Seems that Shirou is finally starting to truly worm his way into Rider's heart (and once again he doesn't even realize he's doing it) looking forward to seeing where that goes. All of the lovely women in this story who are falling for him had better do what they can to deepen their bonds with him ASAP, because it's doubtful that they'll have much time for such things in the foreseeable future. BTW, can I just mention how strange it is to consider how we're fifty chapters in at this point, and currently Shirou only has ONE love interest that he is actively involved with?