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Yeah! Chapter's done and I'm already working on the next one.

However, considering how much time left there is in the month I'm afraid I won't be able to catch up with the backlog this month.

I apologize for that, but September should see us back to where we should have been.

Turns out you can't rush writing. Gee, who would have thought.

Sorry about that and thanks for sticking by me anyway.

By the way, chapter 50 will be the last of the 1st act of the story. Starting chapter 51, Act 2 will begin, and the Holy Grail War with it.

Expect chaos and mayhem folks.

Have fun.



Been a long time since that scene appeared in the spoiler thread. Good to know that it didn't need editing.


HE CAN TALK?! Well joking aside looks like Iylla is on the warpath. Shirou is going to have his work cut out in both appeasing her and saving her.


You gave him.... His BOW... You are an evil evil man. Oh, that's gonna be SO GOOD to see! I can't wait for the next chapter!

Chris N

... did chapter 50 get posted? I don't see it on the site.


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