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Hello everyone.

The voting has come to a close and these are the results

Path of the King: 177 points

Promises of a Wandering Hero: 49 points

On Wings of Steel: 262 points

So, it goes without saying that On Wings of Steel is the undisputed winner of this round. Guess you like the setting more than I thought you would.

Either way, that's how it is.

I should be done with the chapters by the 26th. 

Till then!


David Evans

Shame, promises seems to have the best character interactions IMO. It may be less action orientated, but there are a million and one fanfictions showing Shirou kicking arse.


Will Luvia be in here? I don't think she was on the death list and well Shirou was said to be her type plus I'm immensely fond of her character as well as potential pairing with Shirou just wondering:)


I have no plan for Luvia in this fic, though it could always change.


I'll keep my fingers cross I'm always for shipping her with Shirou:) Her family really does have a interesting backstory and I like her character since while she can be ruthless like most magi she has a certain moral fiber that most lack (basically fundamentally a good person:)


I hope that happens. Though I'm even more in favour of Luvia having a role in Path of the King and Promises of a Wandering Hero.

Eternity Smut

I didn't expect this victory at all.


Since you're continuing On Wings of Steel for the moment, I wonder if you wouldn't mind answering a question of mine. What route did Shirou take in Fate/Stay Night before On Wings of Steel? Personally my hope goes to Heaven's Feel, as that's always been my favorite route and it's also the route where he knows Sakura best, tying in with his reaction to Akitsu's mental state. On the other hand, you mentioned similarities to In Flight, and that one follows UBW's good end; thanks to the Ufotable anime a lot of newer fans seem to consider UBW the true route as well. Finally, there's Fate. It's not my favorite route, but it is implied by Last Episode that it's as close to a true ending as F/SN has. So, your thoughts? Or are you keeping the events of the Fifth Heaven's Feel a secret for later twists?