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Alright then. First of all I'm sorry for getting these results out so late. Let's just say that planning a wedding is a time consuming task and let's leave it at that.

Anyhow, here's how voting went this month.

Path of the King: 197 votes

Promises of a Wandering Hero: 118 votes

On Wings of Steel: 267 votes

Therefore, without the shadow of a doubt, the winner is On Wings of Steel and not by a small margin either.

I must confess, I did not expect this result. Oh, well. Better get those old notes out and start writing, cuz Shirou is about to get caught in a whole different conflict.

Fair warning: the update might come as late as the first weekend of May because of the aforementioned reasons. I'll still try my best to get it done by the 25th though.



Nice to see that Wings of Steel is finally getting some love, because those Sekirei sure do need it! I look forward to seeing what you give us. BTW, any hint for when we'll finally learn *exactly* what happened after Shirou and Caster left the restaurant at the end of last month's chapter? ;D


Well I admit I AM curious how you'd create your tale about Shirou in the Sekirei plan even if the premise makes me sad that Shirou has no one left of his old life.

Eternity Smut

Holy shit we actually won! hahaha.


Oh I totally forgot that the vote counts depends on different tiers =]]]]]


Yes! Finally! Success!