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Hey everyone,

as reward for sticking with me this long I have something for you. A small teaser from the next act (not the next chapter) of Path of the King. 

Make what you want of it, I won't be answering questions in merit. Yes, I am colossal SoB.


The figure of Rider landed in a crouch in middle the courtyard.

The Emiya household was immersed in complete darkness; its usual welcoming warmth nowhere to be found.

Without hesitation she moved towards the tool shed, where the door had been left wide open, and from there down into his Workshop, this too left open and unattended.

Of the scorching heat that would welcome a visitor any given day all that was left was a faint ember, struggling and losing against the chill of autumn from outside.

She found him there, sitting on the ground with his back against the wall. His hands and forearms were a mess of cuts and burned flesh.

He did not react to her approach. He didn't so much as look in her direction.

"Shirou..." she called out in a barely audible whisper. He did not respond.

She knelt next to him but all he did was stare ahead with unseeing eyes. He did not react when she put her arms around his neck. He did not resist when she pulled his head into her chest like a mother would do to a child.

"I'm so sorry, Shirou."

But Emiya Shirou had no words to offer in response to her symphaties. Nothing he could do or say would change the bitter reality nor answer the question that kept playing in his head.

What kind of hero can't even protect the woman he holds in his arms?



Fuck off :(


WTF if anything happen to Medea... THIS IS NOT AN EMPTY THREAT !!!!


You didn't think this story would be a smooth ride into the sunset, did you?


I don't mind as long as there is a sunset in the end though.


I'm a sucker for good endings. This is all I'm willing to say about this.


I actually got threatened the same way because of the way I write Drama... Now I understand how the readers feel *welp*


Clearly our rage and tears feed you..... As long as you keep writing, all is forgiven on my end though ^^


People always accused me of writing myself into Shirou. That's preposterous. If I were to choose which character of the Nasuverse I would like to be, I'd pick Kirei.


The Darkness and the Doom approaches! Abandon hope, all ye who enter here! At least for now.


Well, shit, I guess I should prepare to paint a funeral


Cue the "Give up/Keep fighting" choice that results in a Tiger Dojo scene of Taiga and Illya uppercutting him into orbit if you give up.

Cody Beard

Well... Damn, so I guess this is the bad that Rider caused by not telling anyone?

Eternity Smut

Not sure if this is part of the next chapter or if this a time skip. It can't be death by Snu-Snu can it?


Hopefully it doesn't skip straight to this.