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What the hell is going on? Not one but two chapters released earlier than the deadline? Surely the world is coming to an end.

Either that or I'm actually keeping up with my commitments. 

... naaah. End of the world it is.

Well then. Before the Armageddon's upon us you better read this chapter.

To be completely honest this one wrote itself, in the sense that it refused to go where I wanted it to go and took its own direction. Although I still wanted to explore what happens in it at a later point, it's a bit baffling.

Oh well. I hope you'll enjoy it anyway.

Chapter 46 



Good tease. But it's still a tease. I want a lemon version of what transpired inside that elevator!


Part of me wishes Rin was there just to see her burn in jealousy:) Also loved the moment Shirou told the would be casanova to "Get bent!":)

Eternity Smut

"Hit on my waifu, You lose your laifu" XD