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February 2018 - Update Poll

  • Path of the King 40
  • Promises of a Wandering Hero 22
  • On Wings of Steel 14
  • 2018-02-10
  • —2018-02-15
  • 76 votes
{'title': 'February 2018 - Update Poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'Path of the King', 'votes': 40}, {'text': 'Promises of a Wandering Hero', 'votes': 22}, {'text': 'On Wings of Steel', 'votes': 14}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2018, 2, 15, 7, 44, 10, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2018, 2, 10, 7, 46, 24, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 76}



Hey, everyone!

You should know the gist by now. Let's pick the next story that's going to be updated. Promises of a Wandering Hero won out the last time but Path of the King is back from its turn in the corner.

So vote. Vote! VOTE!



Tough choice, in the end I choose Path of the King since I'm hoping for some good ShirouxRider moments C'mon Shirou I know you can do it raise her flag and feed your harem!


It gotta be subtle or history gonna repeat itself with Medea. Lol


Shirou's Harem Power is high enough to grant him the Pioneer of the Stars attribute if only he decided to actively use it.


Even though I know it will lose to PotK, I will always vote for promises.


On Wings of Steel needs some love! As much as I love both PotK and PoaWH, I shall once again turn my efforts towards the red headed step child.


I actually checked out Promises for the first time due to it winning last month and completely binged it as a result. Great idea and great execution... but I actually cackled out loud during the last PotK chapter because I enjoyed it so much and dammit I want mooooorrrreeeee.


I think Shirou also has this skill Miracle (奇蹟, Kiseki?) is a Skill that makes the impossible possible. Although it has some similarities with the Skill Pioneer of the Stars, it is something essentially different. There are also differences regarding the things that it can be applied to. Thus working along with Pioneer of Stars can expect some truly wondrous results:) Well in all honesty I do think Medea would perhaps be lenient in case of Sakura and be willing to share even if she is partially reluctant. Sakura is really... tragic after all and I think Medea would feel at least somewhat sympathetic in her case and these two did get along in F/HA at least Sakura wanted to call Caster Onee-sama lol:) So Sakura may be allowed as long as she recognizes Caster's authority as legal wife. Saber and Medusa might qualify as mistresses and as far as Rin goes... family pet lol.


I would have voted for Promises of a Wandering Hero if there was more Motoko ,Tsuroko, or Rider in it. Don't get me wrong the war of the sisters if hilarious and I enjoyed every minute of it but PoTK is just at a better point for me where you want to see what happens next:) By the way Neo if you see this I left a response for you in previous post:)


Went with wings of steel myself. Mainly because the idea of a Shirou whose arsenal is comprised of mystic codes just feels awesome.


Well don't worry. Tsuruko is due to come...Way later on in the story. After all her sister is a Syncronizer and she suffers from Ancestral Return. Do the math.


Really, the polls come down to the points and not the actual votes. Even though I doubt that PotK didn't win, the actual totals of the polls are probably closer than we think.


So may I ask when we will find out what the result was in terms of points?