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I'm currently polishing the chapter but it will still take a few more hours before it's done. However, it's only right that I feed you something, such as the beginning of the next chapter.

Here we go!


It was a bright summer morning above Hinata City.

Haruka arrived at the tea house early as usual. Her shop was very modest and saw very little traffic, but having few customers didn't mean she could skip on the preparations, otherwise she would have even less.

She unlocked the door and stepped inside, immediately noticing that something was out of place. 

Any building that had been sealed off overnight would have a very distinct smell from the crisp morning air outside. 

Today, it didn't.

It was easily explained by having left a window open the previous night, except Haruka knew she hadn't. She was a very meticulous person who had learned to never overlook any detail.

Somebody had broken in. Somebody who could very well be still inside.

Haruka lowered her stance in preparation. There were only two places an intruder could possibly hide. On the floor behind the counter, or in the closet where she kept her cleaning supplies.

A quick glance behind the counter revealed that no one was there. The supply closet it was then.

With silent steps she slid forward, without making the slightest noise. The wooden floor did make even the tiniest noise at her passing, her presence did not disturb the air in the least.

It was almost like she wasn't there at all.

With a placid look in her eyes, she reached the closet. At that distance she could hear a faint breathing sound coming from inside.

She grabbed the door with one hand and steadied her other fist before throwing it open.

"I've got you!" she shouted as soon as she caught a glimpse of pair of eyes. Her fist flew before she recognized him and decked him right in the face.


"Oww! Haruka-san! Please don't hit me!" a know redhead moaned.

"...Shirou?" she blinked, fist still buried in his face. "What the hell are you doing in my closet?"

"What does it look like? I'm hiding, obviously."

"I can see that, you dolt. What I mean to say is why?"

"It's... it's a really long story."



The hunt begins!


Funny you'd say that. Later on in the chapter I'm calling it the Holy Shirou Hunt


Kanako needs to be really careful here; she can be pretty volatile and that could be a little ...lethal with Ilya in the picture. Regardless of how strong she thinks herself introspectively, Ilya outclasses her so badly it'd be comical if it wasn't so dangerous. Both in danger level and onii-san experience. And unless Ilya has changed greatly from the War times, she herself is still the most likely of Shirou's girls to fly off the handle at sufficient provocation.


9 participants enter Hinata Inn to do battle. The winner gets one free Shirou. Thus the Holy Shirou War begins!