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Even though it's the end of the year and I'm somewhere in the middle of the frigging woods on top of a freezing mountain, where I can get signal only if I sit out in the snow, I'm still writing for you people.

The update is coming. Just a few more hours... just a few more words...




Gotta admit though, you live some lovely scenery. My mom would cut of a finger just to somewhere like that.


Lovely looking scenery. Probably doesn't feel great though. I really appreciate you are continuing to write for us.


The perk of living where I do, is that I'm about a couple hours drive both from places like this and from the seaside.


Thanks. It's great to be appreciated and I really don't want to let you guys down. Even though technically I've not yet reached the tier at which I must commit to update monthly, I'm still trying to keep a certain standard.