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Sup folks,

as you might have noticed, I made a bit of renovation around here, particularly to the donation tiers.

Before there wasn't really any reason for anyone to make a donation of a certain level or another. Or no donation at all, for that matter.

That didn't feel right with me. I had to get you guys something back for the support you gave me and the result of many sleepless nights (not really) is what you can now see here.

At the very least, my supporters should be able to read my stories earlier than the regular people, so the starting reward is exactly that. Access to new chapter 30 days earlier than non-Patrons (starting from November 2017). However, Initiate-tier Patron and above get two read 2 chapters every time I update. You heard that right.

But wait, there's more!

In order to give back proportionally, every tier has a number of votes they can expend to choose which story gets updated next among the active ones (currently: Path of the King and Promises of a Wandering Hero). Additionally, I got my hands on a capable artist, which will illustrate for us scenes from my stories.  Which scenes gets illustrated is also subjected to voting.

So, more stuff and more benefits for you folks. You deserve as much.

EDIT: almost forgot! No matter the result of the voting, one story can get updated only three times in a row. Additionally, update rates are still subjected to the goals reached.



I'm a bit confused on the two chapters thing. For people below Initiate-tier, does that mean you will update 2 chapters at a time and they get one chapter then and the other 30 days later, while those above that tier get both of them? Or will there just be content that's patreon only (which seems wierd in that how can free readers follow a story if every other chapter is missing) I do feel like this is a bit too complicated. I've been at the $5 tier so it doesn't effect me, but I don't particularly feel like having stuff behind a paywall is all that good. I support you because I like your work and want to give you something for it. Restricting your work to others doesn't seem like a great idea. The voting is fine as long as it doesn't effect your muse or pacing. I rather trust in what you feel like you want to write more than what I want you to write.


What I did is DOUBLE the output for Initiate and above Patron. I felt like people who gave me a lot of support deserved as much. Everything is going to trickle down to non-Patrons at a steady pace that won't surpass a chapter per story per month. Essentially, I write two chapter every time. The first is going to be available to all immediately, but the second will get there a little while later. Everything will remain free.

Lukas H

First of all, congratulations on taking the initiative to make some changes on your Patreon, Neo! So, basically Initiates and above get 2 chapters a month, Mundanes get 1. Non-Patreons get a chapter every couple of months. Given that some of your readers have frequently waited much longer than that, I don't feel that's too much to ask. The thing I'm more concerned about is the number of vote points in the three highest tiers. A hundred times the influence is a pretty crazy disparity, but I suppose we'll see how it plays out. I also wonder what will happen if you reach the next tier of monthly support. How will these new supporter tiers interact with your Goals?


Hi, thanks for your input. You are probably right that the number of points in the higher tiers are insane, but you might have noticed that there can't be more than three of them at all times. If you take into consideration that right now, with 38 Patrons there's no one on those levels, I believe that their influence will be greatly offset by the sheer number of lower tier Patrons. My goals are largely unchanged, and I retain complete creative independence. The only thing that might change is how much I update. At Goal 4, I'll basically do this for a living.


How much per month do we need to pay to ask for one-shot stories aka one chapters in Fate: Tales from the Kaleidoscope? I have a couple of crossovers or outside of the box events for Shirou, that just reading a oneshot from you would be great.


My going rate is 10$ per 1K words, however do keep in mind that I cannot guarantee when I can deliver. I'm trying to keep my regular stories, well, regular.


I can understand keeping the regular stories regular, so 30$ pledge for 3K words? I have to wait a little for that. I would like those oneshots in Fate: Tales from the Kaleidoscope since it fits well with it.