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V1.1 : model is now available for tier 2. Also fixed hand and legs textures around nails.

She comes with 10 outfits, 2 hairstyles (shep's is just for fun) and a bunch of extras.

Some outfits have alternative colors and/or customizable stuff like led colors.

I've had an issue with the hyperguardian one which doesn't have corrective shape keys because they wouldn't transfer...no clue why. It should still work okay in most situations and I manually made the shapes for the usual body morphs (bodybuilder, fitness etc.). 

If using the armor cap or a helmet, you should make her bald.

There's a lot of separate cloth/armor parts, I couldn't test everything extensively so let me know if you find something horrible.

[See stickied post for tiers links & requirements]




I know you don't take requests, but if you did, this would have been one of mine. So thnaks!! Did a double take when I saw the red hair. Ha ha.


I wish I could include a few more outfits but they aren't available for download and I didn't want to reinstall the game just for that.