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I've updated several models to take advantage of blender 4.0 features. 

Do not use them with blender 3.X

Models concerned are : Keira, Kitana, Phin, 2B, Rey (both tier 1 & 2 versions).

What's new :

  • Full support for blender collections, meaning you'll only see the relevant cloth bones for each outfit now
  • Hand poses have been removed from the UI, instead you can use actions that show when you go into pose mode (see picture). It's actually much better because those poses use corrective shapes while the poses that were in the UI didn't (which means fingers deformed weirdly). For older models, the hand poses will still appear in the UI.
  • Rey cloth bones now have bone constraints to help posing
  • IK fix from yesterday applied to all
  • Cloth bones don't have colors anymore for now (see blender bug below)

Also UI update for 4.0 (v2.1.15)...yeah I know I already updated it yesterday, sorry :/

What's new :

  • Temp fix for a blender bug : I noticed a while ago a bug with bone collections where cloth bones would disappear in pose mode. I thought it was fixed since then but it's not. Took me my whole saturday but I found a fix so I've added a button in the layers section to fix the issue (see 2nd pciture). It's caused by bone colors so for now all cloth bones are colorless. For the models listed above, the fix is already applied, the new button is intended for other models. I've made an official bug report to blender folks so hopefully it will be fixed soon. 
  • Fixes for older models : some features like feet shapes weren't working anymore
  • Fix : the cloth collection button (next to outfit name) displayed is the one associated with the current outfit if there's any, if not it will show the usual cloth collection with all the cloth bones. Also, if there's no bone collection for an outfit but it's normal because that outfit doesn't have specific bones, no button will appear.

[Download Here]



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