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Do you care about outfits for models?


Belethor’s Smut

For me, 100 per cent as I find your outfit choices one of the highlights about your models


Your Outfit Library and the outfits on your models are one of the reasons I subbed.


Yes, although I would be happy with only a couple per model. The ones with 5, 6, 7+ outfits I would rather see released faster than have quite so many. I would also be interested in outfit modifiers, like shirts up/open, pants down, etc. I don't know enough to do things like that manually, so I appreciate when it's built into the model.


Absolutely, though I prefer stuff that's either canonical or a lewd variant of something that is canon. No need for a dozen different outfits that doesn't really fit within the canon. Bikinis and lingerie is also fine.


I'm considering an early access tier where you'd get the models without outfits sooner. As for outfit morphs, sometimes I do it but yeah not often, doesn't always make sense though. I'll see if I can add more but it's quite time consuming so kinda incompatible with your first demand.


I believe canon is what I do, with some rare exceptions. Bikinis and lingerie are mainly found in the outfit library as it's not canon.