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Edit 2 : could finally reproduce the bug with a clean install of blender...investigating

Okay so good news, after a quick test 3.6.1 seems to fix the issue we were having with older models but it requires a step from users.

Once you've installed 3.6.1, go to edit --> preferences --> File Paths --> script directories and add C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.6\

It should detect the startup folder you created following installation instructions from gdrive.

From my tests it's not random anymore.



so did this work for others? Because it doesn't work for me. I tried it on the Cindy model. I tried the folder like you described and also the scripts and the startup folder itself (inside the 3.6 folder) etc. Doesn't work. Oh and yeah, that was on 3.6.1


You're the second one reporting this not working but from my tests I can reproduce results with 100% consistency, so this equals certainty. Without adding the folder to script directories the bug is there, and after adding it the bug disappears. Just tried that on Cindy to be sure. Only thing I can see is that somehow you do something wrong or have a conflicting addon.