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Hi everyone,

It's been a while and thought I'd give some kind of update.

I've been ill for the past two weeks or so and my job has been hellish as well so I haven't had much time or capacity to work on stuff since last release.

I still made some progress on a Lara Croft model but it's taking way longer than I expected because I'm not entirely satisfied with the quality of the outfits I've found so I've been doing some custom meshes and it's a lot of work.

No promise but I'll try to release at least another model by the end of the month.


Edit : thanks everyone, the worst was last week and I'm getting better already but my job will be a pita until early may at least. 


Baron Rogacizna

Health is top priority! Get well soon my dude!

Sinned Angel

Get well soon. Health is most important. please take care of your health.