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Hi everyone,

The official daz addon has just been updated with support for the new genesis 9 figure which may or may not become the norm in the near future [currently model makers use either gen 8 or gen 8.1]. 

I didn't expect this as the developer said a while ago 1.6.1 would be the last update.

That's why I made a custom version of the addon a few months ago, thinking it would be long lasting but alas that's not the case.

The purpose of my custom version is to ensure compatibility with older models, notably to avoid breaking the IK/Switch, but also to bring back an essential feature for the outfit library which is retargetting drivers to a new armature. The latest official addon fixes at least the last issue since the retarget for drivers is back. The IK/FK issue remains however.

Anyway, I basically have three options, 1) keep my current addon until it dies from incompatibilities or everyone switches to gen 9 2) keep making custom versions of the addon forever 3) try to find a way to use an updated addon while keeping older models usable.

I'm leaning towards option 3 because 1) is short termed and 2) is not sustainable given how hard it was to get that custom version working in the first place. I understand python a little but I'm no expert by any means.

So the idea is to rewrite the UI to make it unified, a bit like an addon so it will work for all models. It's not a simple task but I think I can do it.

If I succeed, it will be a major improvement, the appending will be much easier and I will be able to fix the UI for all models at once which would be a HUGE time saver.

I'll keep you posted. For now my custom version of the addon remains mandatory, updating to the latest official version will break stuff.

tl;dr : daz addon has unexpectedely been updated, will try to make a unified UI to avoid incompatibilities going forward, wish me luck.

Edit : quick video of the progress so far 



I really appreciate your dedication! Keeping things working and up to date with the speed blender and 3D is moving forward, is not easy. I hope you get option 3 working. Best of luck!