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Hey everyone,

Thanks for voting and commenting on the polls, your inputs have been helpful. 

I'm still a bit unsure if I'll keep making models in the long run but for now I'm staying so here's what I've come up with. Some changes should reduce the strain on my end without much impact on yours :

1. I've heard the feedback about the skin not being detailed enough. I believe it's more a question of tweaking my existing nodes than using bump maps for instance but I've added an extra layer of micro details for those little dots on the skin (like rigid). The first picture shows the results of that tweaking (before is left, after is right, same lighting). As seen in the 2nd pic, I've added micro skin details sliders to tweak it to your liking, if you put the slider 1 to zero you'll have only the dots. I'm quite satisfied with the results so thanks for pushing me.

2. Independant from the polls but I've updated the UI visuals, now every section can be folded to make it cleaner overall.

3. The body shape dropdown menu has been replaced by sliders (pic 3). However support for heavy, pear, thin and pregnant morphs will be reduced because they are the least used. I'll keep the cloth morphing with those shapes but I won't check them so they will be 100% computer generated no matter the result. This will both lighten my workload and remove some boring steps in the model creation process.

4. To counter point 3, sort of, I've added some new morphs to fine tweak the body details in a new section. The pic 4 shows the new menu and pic 5 shows an example of added details. These won't be supported by clothing but for the most part they should have no effect on clothing. The overall impact is 6 more megabytes on the whole model size which seems acceptable given the extra touch of realism they can achieve.

5. The shared texture package will soon be simplified by merging all the versions so that older models will be supported by the latest version. This will be done when I'll change the way models are uploaded and shared. More about that later. I'll probably also make a halved version at 2K for those with older hardware.

6. There most likely won't be any new male models uploads as the comments have been clear they're overall not desired. I'll still create some for my personal renders but with less constraints.

I think that covers it all for now. Have a good day/evening



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